Being sick really stinks. I now know that your child being sick stinks far worse. First of all, you feel sorry as heck for them, almost physically hurting yourself--and then, you usually end up with some sort of bodily fluid all over your person. I have now experienced both of these. Thursday night, I went in to check on Caden. As I shuffled into the room, I remember thinking, "Why does it smell like bad milk in here??". I soon found the answer. When I leaned in to check on my little man, I discovered the source of the stench. He had soaked himself, the pillows, the blankets, and pretty much everything else within a 12 inch radius. No kidding. AND THE KID IS STILL ASLEEP. So of course I immediately yell for the hubby. I pick up the bebe' who proceeds to whimper and upchuck down my chest. Mind you, I have dealt with spit-up, and lots of it. But I have NEVER dealt with hard-core throwing up. His little body would border on convulsing as I tried to comfort him. I finally got him and myself cleaned up and in new jammies, and was rocking him back to sleep, when he started in on the whimpering. You got it--tossin' cookies, take two. Yet another set of PJ's later, I finally get him down for the night. I knew we had truly had a bad go of it when I unearthed a piece of half-digested Puff Cereal from behind my ear in the shower. Ugh. Friday morning he wakes up acting just fine, takes a whole bottle, and we're off to Granny's for the day. She calls me around 3pm to let me know he has hardly eaten all day, and has only taken 6 oz of formula. PLUS--he's had diarrhea twice. Yay. This crap always happens at 3 o'clock on the Friday before a long weekend. So I call the Pediatrician who lets me know its either an ear infection or a stomach bug, but with our symptoms, more than likely a stomach bug. She says to put him on Pedialyte for the rest of the weekend, ($6.00 per TINY bottle), and use the BRAT diet, (Bananas, Rice cereal, Applesauce, and Toast). Lucky for me, he really likes all of the above. So, we've done really well today. I can definitely tell he's not up to his normal energy level, but he's on the mend! We have survived our first tummy bug. I hope the next one doesn't come anytime soon--
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