Seriously--the kid is only 8 months old and he has SEVEN TEETH. Craziness. Again, we had no idea until it had already come all the way through. He never acted like anything was going on. (Karma is so gonna get it's revenge with my next child--I can feel it!) We've had a pretty good weekend so far. Friday I only worked a half-day, so I had the afternoon to spend with my little muffin--we just slummed around the house until the hubby came home and then we went out to eat at The Barrell w/ my mother-in-law. Baby C was flawless--makin' eyes at all the ladies, and being the little charmer. Saturday I worked in the morning, then headed home with a couple of the girls to attend a wedding for a former coworker. The muffin got a little restless, but he pulled through okay. We came home and changed into our slacker clothes and headed uptown to look at some Play Yards for the bebe'. We came away with a great one for a steal, and he's been using it all weekend. It's nice because now that he's so mobile, he gets tired of being in his bouncer or excersaucer, and in the Play Yard he can move around. And the great thing is I don't have to be right on his little tushie every second, and so can get some things done!! :) Remember my earlier resolution to be a better housewife??!!
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