My life
definitely is not lacking in stress right now. Have you ever been
that close to just throwing your hands to the sky and screaming like a jungle animal? Boy, was I there today. I had the urge to just get up and walk away, maybe go lay under a tree and contemplate quadratic
equations--ANYTHING other than sitting in my
cubie for one more fraction of a second. But then, the last teeny, tiny, microscopic shred of sanity
hanging on for dear life in my brain reminded me that I am an adult, and adults don't do things such as bellow like jungle creatures. Oh well--it was a thought. I feel as though I'm being stretched so thin, I'm going to be transparent soon. I just keep telling myself to hold on for a little bit longer. As soon as we get through the busy season, things will quiet down. And they always do--it's just much easier said than done, when you still have to live through every hellish moment to get there. Ugh. It was wonderful to get to come home to my
poly muffin after dealing with stupid crap all day. He is such a little beam of sunshine!! Just one little toothy grin, and I forget all about everything else. We had quite the time with dinner. I gave him a 'teething biscuit' and stepped into the kitchen to put his dinner dishes in the sink, and this is what I came back to!!!

He was, and is, for that matter a mess! :) I was rocking him to sleep tonight and thinking about how it wasn't so long ago that I could hold him for hours, and now, my arm starts cramping up after five minutes--he's a pork chop! It makes me want another one. Of course I loved the lil' guy from the moment he burst into the world, but I'm much more of an infant/toddler person than a newborn person. I wish for my next one, I could just skip right up to this time, instead of going through all those crazy post-par tum hormones and no-sleep nights. :)
I just finished watching yesterday's episode of The Hills. I was so pumped up last night over Prison Break, I almost forgot to breathe, let alone remember that I had another show on. (Will dish on The Hills later). I heart Prison Break! I was not sure how I was going to feel about this new season, with Michael being back in prison AGAIN...but the plot seems feasible, and I'm already all wrapped up in the story line. Who is this Whistler character hmm?
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