And by the way--I have resoved to be a better housewife. (Stop that snickering immiediately.) After finding myself a bit lacking in my domestic diva skills, (okay, so it wasn't really all of my own volition-- my hubby nags at me a lot and I have spent an embarassing amount of time this weekend watching home decorating shows on HGTV), I made myself promise to do better. And now that all of you know this, you are obligated to keep me accountable. A simple email every day or so--"Meggie, it's 7pm, do you know where your dust rag is?" will suffice. I've tried really hard this afternoon to keep the debris to a minimum and genererally pick up after myself a bit more. I've done two whole loads of laundry from beginning to end, and am getting ready to start my third. I also printed off loads of healthy recipes from KraftFoods.com, (see it over there on my 'favorite websites' list?), and even made one last night for dinner. It was a Cheesy Ham and Broccoli bake, and we had sweet corn on the cob and Mac N' Cheese on the side. I must say that the hubby was quite honestly beside himself. I don't think I've actually made a whole meal, (not counting Home Bakes or frozen pizzas) since before the little tyke was born. Yay me! Sticking with it is going to be the hard part--it's really easy to do this stuff on the weekends and days when I'm off work. It's a different story during the workweek, when all I want to do after I get the bebe' off to Dreamland is curl up in my chair and read....
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