After the events of the last couple days, and Bebe' C's impressive demonstration of his stomach pyrotechnics, I thought we might take a day to rest.....then again, maybe not. :) Since he was feeling okay, we decided to keep our plans to meet up with my Mom and Nanny for a picnic lunch. Lil' C still wasn't quite up to par, but you could tell he felt much better. Mom and Nanny brought my nephew, and we all had a grand time. It's so funny how much my nephew and my son are so like my brother and I. My brother was super, SUPER shy, and of course, as those who know me can attest, shy is about the last word on the planet one would use to describe me. Watching Lil' C and Lil' K today was like seeing a re-run. My son is as outgoing as my nephew is quiet. They are quite the opposites. But, we broke through Lil' K's shell and I think we all had all had a lot of fun. Of course as soon as we got home, the Baby Daddy did a quick change into his camo--this IS Opening Weekend for Bow Hunting you know... If you remember, we've had some pretty good bucks showing up on our Trail Cam out in KC's field, so he's been pretty pumped for this day to get here. He should actually be here any minute, it's pretty dark outside...
UPDATE: I have a dead buck in my garage. He's a pretty nice one...ten points I think. Still, not the biggest one we've seen on the Trail Cam. But that's what you get w/ KC...he's pretty impatient, and a bit trigger happy. He just walked in the door and wanted me to come out and look at it. Honestly, I'm kinda sad about it....I'd much rather look at them in pictures than dead on my garage floor. But I guess that's what I get for marrying a hunter huh? He better not EVEN be thinking I'm gonna eat that crap.....OR allow it to be put in my freezer. Blech.
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