So I'm in the cushy bathrobe again,
hangin' out at the house. The
bebe' is
snoozin' on, and I'm trying to motivate myself to do something....ANYTHING. This has been the
looooongest week so far, and it's WEDNESDAY! Ugh. At least I made it through the halfway point. I'm feeling a bit on the draggy/catatonic side this evening, which I'm sure is the result of my crazy job. I go through the same thing every September, which is the biggest/busiest time of year for us. Some people start getting desperate, which turns into
conniving, which evolves into scheming, which cultivates the lying and the backstabbing, which activates my "shut-up-and-leave-me-the-heck-alone-or-I'm-going-to-pummel-something" reflex, which really isn't all that healthy for either myself, or those who find themselves in my close vicinity. The silver lining is that I don't have to deal with this in my own little office. We're pretty much the Brady Bunch. You mess with one of us, and the others are on your heels faster than you can go cry to your superior. Everyone watches out for the other, instead of each man for himself. Honestly, this time of year tends to bring out the worst in everyone, and the whole place is much happier when it's all over. So--I'll probably be a little sketchy sounding until the beginning of October, at which time all this should blow over. We have a new gal who seems to be fitting right in, and hopefully soon things will cease to be so chaotic.

In Family Land, the hubby and I just watched a movie last night for the first time in AGES. The in-laws had rented "Vacancy" and handed it off to us when they were finished.
It was soooo creepy! It's definitely more suspense than horror/gore which I would much rather watch anyway. It scared my pants off! I don't normally do well with scary movies anyway, (I'm one of those compulsive jumpers--I scream when the opening credits come on...) so of course my hubby got several good laughs at my expense. The punk. It was good to spend some cuddly-time together though, as it seems the time for that is so easily taken up by other things.
Well, it's 9:20pm, and I haven't done anything constructive with my evening. I'm going to go mush my bag of Amish friendship bread and go to bed. Speaking of, have any of you, (besides you H.) done this before? I'm excited to see if I can make it come out! (And by the way H., I'm assuming the flour you add isn't the 'self-rising' kind because you add baking powder and soda too right?) I'm such a kitchen novice!!!
I used all purpose flour and it turned out fine.