"Honey, homeboy came to a barbeque on the beach wearing boots--do you really want to date that????!!!"

1) Brody is a weeeee-neeeee. Really. "Wah-wah, my finger hurts...See? I can't move it, wah-wah...." SHUT UP! And then he comes back with a cast up to his collar bone!! What a reject. Ugh.
2) I want to punch Audreina in the schnozz. Seriously! What is she thinking with Justin-Beavis-Bobby??? He's horrible! I was seething while I watched him chatting up all those other girls at the BBQ!! And then he left her helmet on the couch--what a cheeseball. Oh well--that scene did cause my favorite quote of the episode, so I guess it had a silver lining. And I saw on the previews that she's going out with him again next week! Argh! Audreina is fast earning herself a number-one slot on my bad list (Well, underneath Heidi and Skeevey Spencer that is). And speaking of those losers, moving on....
3) Heidi is a complete ditz. I am actively hating on her. Her parents did seem fairly grounded--did you notice how small their house was?? It was actually 'normal people' size! And her mom and dad seemed to be sensing that all was not perfect in 'Heidi-and-Spencer-land' and called them out on it. Go Heidi's parents!! My favorite part of all that was when Heidi had gone to the bathroom, and her mother was talking to Slimy Spencer about what happend with Lauren, and he pretty much gets possessed by some demonic spirit. His eyeballs were all popped out, and he's spitting, "She is so SELFISH. She wanted Heidi all to HERSELLLFFFFF." **Bulging eyeballs again** They got a quick angle on Heidi's mom, who looks like she really wants to run. Bless her heart......
4) Wrapping it all up with LC--not much really happened with her. I did feel sorry for her at the BBQ when she was sad about losing Heidi, but she pulled herself together to comfort Audreina, so I was proud of her...
Oh, and one more thing.....why can't we see more of Lo?? I like her! She seems like she actually may have a bit of sense in her noggin'!!!!!
AMEN SISTA on seeing more of LO. So here is an little interesting tid bit on Lo....last week on the aftershow (that they only show in Canada) they had LC and Audrina on as guests. They asked LC what L0's taste in men was...LC didn't answer that question but did say that L0 will never call a boyfriend by his real name. She nicknames them all right way and then never ever calls them their real name again. I think those pshychology majors out there could read volumes from that little habit.
ReplyDeleteI still haven't seen the aftershow for this week...still on the PVR since the 'rents are in town. However, they have Heidi on as a guest and she is going to perform her new single....will update you on that later.
I totally agree about Lo as well. She seems the most normal. I did feel bad for LC at the BBQ, it's hard to lose a best friend, even if she's a crazy loon.