It's good to be home. It's good to be in a place where I can breathe again--I feel like I've been deprived of some serious O2 because I've been holding my breath for most of the day. I HATE tension. Truly--it sucks. I'm already dreading the alarm in the morning. Yuck. I'm sure this will blow over, as all things do, but I, (and everyone else in the vicinity for that matter) still have to suffer through it. Everyone has disagreements, and they are always resolved, usually postively, but that doesn't make them any easier when they come around the next time. Today was a day that I just wanted to brick in my Cubie and not come out until 5. We are TOTALLY not supposed to listen to iPods, at least not visably, but my earbuds were stuffed in there and they were NOT coming out. In between John Legend's crooning, and Biggie's contribution, ("I love it when you call me big Po-pa.....") :) I made it through the afternoon. I don't think I have ever been so happy to see the bebe' and my Baby-Daddy! We went out to eat with some of the extended fam to celebrate one of the kiddie's bdays, and we had such a good time! Of course the little man was the life of the party--making faces, babbling, the usual. Everyone got a kick out of his "what-the-heck-did-you-just-put-in-my-mouth" face, and he sure made it enough! I'm trying really hard to expose him to different kinds of food early, in the hopes that he won't be a picky eater when he gets bigger... We got home late, but he was still being good. My Baby-Daddy dropped us off and immidiately headed for the farm for his daily collection of the Wildlife Trail-Cam memory card--he just can't stand to let a day go by without checking that darn thing. "But there might be some new bucks on there..." or "the battery will die, I HAVE to go check on it..." There's always some excuse.... :) He's already getting psyched up for the fall. After he left, I got Bebe' C in the bath, and actually made it through the ordeal surprisingly dry--I usually come away from Bath Time feeling a bit like I've been on the front row of the Shamoo Show at Seaworld.... Then he took a bottle and drifted right off. It was a good night. Thank God--I sure as heck needed it.
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