I'm Listening: "Rumor Control" on E! News
I'm Feeling: Warm and Snuggly :)
In my cushy bathrobe again--and feelin' good! The husband and I (and yes, I did say THE HUSBAND) just wrapped up another episonde of The Hills.... He tried to act like he was sleeping, but I saw him sneaking glimpses when he thought I wasn't watching. We both agreed that Justin-Bobby-weirdo is a punk, and we were both, like totally devastated for Audreina. **sniff** :) Will dissect further at a later time, too tired for that now...
Such a long day it has been! (Did that sound a little Yoda-ish?? Now I'm giggling and talking in Yoda--good job Meg, that'll never wear off....) I was glad to be home--Daddy K even had the bebe' all bathed and clean-smelling! He was all ready for bed--one of the really sad parts to my 'working late' days. I had just enough time with him to snuggle a bit and walk him until he went to sleep. I heard him cry sometime during The Hills, (someone will have to update me on the events of the snippet I missed), and I flew in to pick him up. As I was shushing and humming him back to sleep, I walked by my dresser mirror. There I was, hair in my usual messy 'perma-ponytail', in my old lady pink bathrobe, with my little boy snuggled up underneath my neck, snoring in my ear. At that point goose bumps flew all over me--I was truly, truly happy. If I could bottle up that one moment and carry it around with me all the time, I don't think I would ever feel bad. This is what it's all about for me-- Whether it's a snuggle session with my little Bebe', a late night phone call from my Mom, or a shared conversation with my husband. It's how I function from day to day. And I'm sure I'm not thankful nearly enough!
Your latest gave me the warm & fuzzies. Have a good day! Love ya, MOM
ReplyDeleteOk...so I totally think it is time to start disecting the Hills from last night. I just watched it while I was at home for lunch. So Spencer was winning me over for ditching his friends to go see Heidi's parents....but then at dinner my distain for Spiedi immediately returned when she went to the bathroom and all he could say was "what an angel!" He is so ridiculously creepy that it makes my skin crawl.