Today was such a good day! We began with Cinnamon Rolls, as all good Saturdays should start with.... Good ol' artery cloggin' fun--woohoo! Then we all rolled out to the Mall to search for some clothes for the Bebe'. (Our SECOND appointment for Pictures is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon). The crowds in the stores weren't quite as bad as I thought they would be, however the Food Court was a different story. It brought to mind a National Geographic special on hyeinas, with the tables being the fresh zebra carcass. No--really. People were circling around, watching for the crumpling of napkins, the gathering of belongings, all the tell-tale signs that meant the people were getting ready to leave. Then, before the chair could even get cold, some shopper would fling their bags onto the table, and the losers would slink back to start the cycle again. Kevin and I almost ran over some older couple as they dove, (well, more like shuffled really, but hey, we had a lot of bags AND a stroller to deal with!) into seats that had just opened in front of us. As I was shooting them the stink eye, Kevin spotted an opening, and we finally got parked at a table. Beside that little episode, the rest of our stay at the mall was really quite pleasant. The kiddie looooved the Disney Store. He is all about the Disney Channel, and so you can only imagine the reaction when he comes face to face with a wall full of Mickey Mouses and Little Einsteins! I was quite afraid that we wouldn't get to leave the store without one of everything, but fortunately, the bebe' latched on to a Leo doll (the red-headed "Little Einstein"), and we ran before he could grab anything else. And, we came up with THE CUTEST outfit for the little guy! (See up top--I'm thinking the overalls with bare feet!) I was so proud! Now if we can just get those darn pictures taken...
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