I'm Reading: "Wives Behaving Badly" by Elizabeth Buchan
I'm Listening: "Heaven Only Knows" by John Legend
I'm feeling pretty useless this week at work. I've been slogging through some of the 'random' things that have a tendency to pile up without you really noticing, and even though I'm getting the good part of it off my desk, I don't feel like I've really accomplished anything meaningful. I would so much rather work on a large project, with a well defined beginning and end, as opposed to this stuff. You can chip away at it all day long, but in the end, it just piles right back up and makes you look like you've been playing Tiddlywinks all day. **SIGH**
I haven't really had a chance to do a proper blog entry since returning from 'Sweet Home Alabama'. But lemme tell you, there was nothing sweet about it this trip. It was H-O-T. It was that kind of hot where the sweat beads up and rolls down into areas that you just can't dab at politely. Ugh! But, the wedding went well, the bride was beautiful, and the baby behaved splendidly, so i guess the trip could be considered a success. Unless you count the small scene where Mom almost clawed my eyes out just into the beginning of the weekend. I'm a bit of a cynic as most know, and verrrrry dry and sarcastic. (Noooo-really? I would have never guessed.) I push my limits more with Mom than I probably do with anyone else, (simply because she is where I get the dry, cynical, sarcasticness--that's right Mom, don't deny it), and usually she can take it pretty well. But at the point of the "almost-clawed-my-eyes-out debacle, I was pretty much just being a jerk. And she called me on it. I hate when that happens! There really was no plausible excuse for my behavior other than all of a sudden I was crazy homesick. I felt like a middle-schooler at camp--I just wanted to go home!! I hate not having the familiarity of my things around me, and that pretty much brings out my inner Mean Girl. But, once Mommy-dearest reminded me of the ever-so-present fact that, "you are supposed to be an ADULT", and after a teensy spell of pouting, I was set right, and we carried on with our weekend. I do have the alarming vice of regressing to my pre-teen years at a moment's notice, and most usually all it takes is a good verbal jolt, (more often than not from Mom) to snap me back to the real world, where I am, once again, *ahem* a functioning grown-up. :)
Now I feel better about the whole scene. I felt like such a "meanie" at the time. You really are showing "moments" of maturity. What a nice thing. Love you, Mom