I'm Feeling: Really, REALLY tired....
I'm Reading: "Girls of Riyadh" -- by Rajaa Alsanea
I'm Listening: "Slow Me Down" --Emmy Rossum
So I'm tired. Real tired. Dog tired. It's pretty bad... I'm sitting here watching reruns of Miami Ink, and wishing I had the guts and the money to go down there and get branded myself. Those guys are crazy talented!! The bebe' is snoozin on--I just popped my head in the door a few minutes ago, and he had both arms thrown back behind his head, snoring away. Must be nice to be so carefree huh? He should be tired too, the little ball of insanity--he's been pulling up on EVERYTHING. He had his first "big boy" injury the other day, in the care of Baby-Daddy I might add--Mommy would have NEVER let such a thing happen!!! (That is SO going to come back to bite my butt cheeks....) He is totally into the little 'puff/Cheerio/mystery material' thingies, and Daddy C had the open container in the middle of the coffee table. Of course, my little man sees puffs and immiediately goes for them. He pulls himself up on the coffee table, and in attempting to 'walk' himself down to reaching distance, and while Daddy I'm sure has his entire focus devoted to blowing the head off of some robot on the X Box, he trips over his feet and smashes eyeball first into the table. Grrrrrrr. But I'm cool now--I had to keep telling myself to shake it off, that I'll have my share of mishaps with the little bugger.... And, he really wasn't hurt that bad, just a little red scrappy looking bump. Still, I'm going to have to toughen up for the next few years, as I'm sure there will be plenty more to deal with!
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