Are you kidding me? Kristy Lee Cook has made it through AGAIN??!!! Crap, she wasn't even in the bottom three!!! You've GOT to be kidding me!! Even Syeshia is safe! The freaking voters must have all been in the bathroom last night! (How's that for like thirty-seven exclamation points in three sentences?!) I'm a bit bothered by the choice, but only because Syeshia was supposed to go this week . Then, that ridiculous Kristy Lee, THEN Michael Johns. This totally blew my AI bracket!!!
On a lighter note. I wore a skirt to work today. As I walked out the door to get in my car this morning, the Baby-Daddy said, "Hey hun -- are those your legs, or are you ridin' a chicken?" (Yuk-yuk). What a ham. It was at that point that the day began to head alarmingly downhill. I felt terribly self-conscious all day. Is it totally necessary that I look like I've spent the last week frying myself silly in some little light booth? Of course, it didn't help matters when I glanced down and saw a patch of leg that I had COMPLETELY missed shaving this morning. Seriously. It looked like the leg of a fourth grade boy. All I could do was shake my head, and giggle uncontrollably every time I caught sight of it.
I got a new office area today. It honestly made me a little sad. I'm all by myself now, and it's too quiet! I'm going to try to find my radio in the garage later and take it in tomorrow. I miss my friends!!! (I know I'm a whiny-baby, but geez, give me a minute to wallow...)
I am totally devestated!!!! What happened???? I feel there is no need to watch it again! : )