"......Cause I'm wanted,
waaaannted, dead or
aliiiiiiiive....." Oh, I am SUCH the next
Bon Jovi! (That is, if you count the fact that I can only play a guitar if it has the little colored buttons, and if I have a screen in front of me telling me which of the colors to push...)
BD and I went over to the Pepsi Crib this afternoon to visit the Family S. AS and I put the men to shame. We took turns rocking out the guitar and the drums, (the guitar is MUCH easier if you were wondering), and it was truly a fun way to spend the afternoon. AS, domestic goddess that she is, had made Rice
Krispie treats before we arrived, so we snacked and played all afternoon. The kiddies were well-behaved, as always, and of course Princess Diva took grand care of the Muffin, as they took turns coloring and playing "push the dolly stroller", (much to the
chagrin of
BabyDaddy). I think the Muffin even got in a little Dora Kitchen time! (I MUST get him one of those, but if I ever did, I would have to hide it from
BD or he would paint it black, have the Muffin serving Jack and Cokes, and make it a bar.)
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