Saturday, April 5, 2008

Oh, oh, oOOOOOHHHH, oh! Oh, oh, ooooOOOohh!

For those of you that can't tell, the above musical stylings are from the age-old New Kids on The Block classic, "The Right Stuff". If you didn't know, (and if you truly didn't, scurry out from under that rock now), NKOTB has reunited! Aaaarrooooooh! (That was me howling.) They were on the Today Show yesterday for interviews, and their first live perfomace since '94 is going to be on the same show May 16th! Set your Tivo's my friends -- it's gonna be a banger! Can I just proudly admit that when they dropped the red curtain yesterday to reveal the suprise, (but not really because it was leaked on the Net), guests, my knees got shaky, and my head started spinning. Apparently, you never really do grow up. :) I felt the need to squall, "I love yoooooou Joey!!!!", in my most high-pitched annoying tone. It was be-U-ti-ful! Needless to say, I've already informed the Baby Daddy that I will be throwin' down his VISA when tickets go on sale anywhere within a day's drive, and he is NOT invited. (Even though he proved himself worthy of me last night by singing a lovely smattering of "Please Don't Go Girl"...) Sorry BD, you know I love ya though hon! (and don't even THINK about going on another moose hunt, or whatever the crap you're hunting these days, to pay me back, or I'll return from the concert with a NKOTB tatoo!)

1 comment:

  1. Joey????Really???? I was a Jordan girl. And BTW...I HATED you when we were little because you got to go to the concert!
