Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pass the Advil -- and some coffee...

My, my, how our addictions seize us. My particular poison is coffee. Lots, and lots of coffee. I have always loved the smell of it - my dad used to make a pot every morning - but I detested the taste of it. That all changed when it was the 'cool' thing to do in college. (Thank God I went to a Baptist college - I'm sure I would have ended up far worse if huffing paint or snorting crack were the 'in' things...) I remember feeling so grown up taking my Starbucks latte into the library for my first group study session. It tasted awful and bitter, and made me want to gag, but as I looked around the circle I noticed that everyone else was sipping some sort of coffee concoction in an especially sophisticated manner. When in Rome you know... And so it began. After college, it became more of a social thing - conversations around the coffee machine at work or an excuse to meet up with old friends. I never realized how much I had begun to depend on my daily fix until I got knocked up with the bebe'. Being the stereotypical scared of anything and everything first timer, I nixed the coffee straight away. There weren't really any conclusive studies showing that coffee/caffeine was harmful unless you were just blasting yourself with it, but one never can be too sure. Talk about a whammy. Lucky for me, I had zero morning sickness, which gave me plenty of energy to deal with ear splitting headaches and the shakes from my caffeine withdrawals. Fast forward to today -- Knowing how important my fix is, I make sure that I am well-stocked at work. I was running a little low on Thursday, (we have our own coffee makers in our offices - it's nice because I don't have to share, and I can make it how I want, but not so nice because it's on my dollar), so Friday morning I brought my container from home. In the mad 'it's-four-thirty-on-Friday-please-God-get-me-out-of-here' rush, I left my coffee in my desk drawer. This morning I woke up, went to the cabinet, and blearily reached for my coffee mug. I put a filter in the coffee maker, filled it with water, and .......CRAP. I did okay for the better part of the morning, and then the headache started. Thankfully, the Muffin was a complete angel today. BD was off saving the world this morning, and I really didn't want to go through the trauma that surely awaited me if I tried to brave Wal-Mart with Lil' C by myself. I had to take back a Redbox movie anyway, so we loaded up and headed out to McD's. I returned my movie and moved toward the drive through lane, when I realized that apparently everyone wanted a Big Mac at the same time. A cup of coffee was not worth waiting an hour for, and besides, Lil' C was screaming that he 'DID NOT WANT NUGGETS, MA, WANT PIZZA. PIZZA OKAY MOMMY? OKAY?!" I just squinted my eyes and drove home to make him a pizza. So here I am, feeling like someone is steam rolling the upper half of my spinal cord and jackhammering the front quadrant of my brain, and wishing I had just waited the hour at the McDonald's drive through........

In other, happier and less pain-ridden news, I booked our beach house today! We have been talking about planning our vacation for weeks, and finally settled on Kiawah Island, which is a tiny haven just off the coast of South Carolina. I am so excited, and even though we have to wait until September, (summer is the busiest time at my job, so it was the earliest I could sneak away), I have already started my packing list. I can't wait to be back at the beach!

Before I go try to dig some Excedrin out of my closet, I had to share some of the cute things I found at our local flea market. I love digging around that place!

A new banner for our front door.

I found these little sundae cups for $1 each! I'm using them as Easter decorations.

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