Boy, we are ready for Easter. We have been faithfully practicing our egg-hunting skills, bribing with promises of toys brought by the Easter Bunny, and dying eggs. We'll be headed home to God's Country in the morning to enjoy the weekend, complete with a treasure hunt Mom has planned for everyone to find their Easter baskets, sunrise service, church, and a MEAL. There are several MEALS in my family each year -- the all caps version is reserved for the grandest of those including, but certainly not limited to: Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. In order to be classified as a MEAL, there must be at least a dozen people, dishes must include a vat of mashed potatoes, broccoli casserole, cranberry sauce, at least three kinds of corn, 2-3 pies and/or cakes, and a layered salad, (among other things of course). There is always a family activity - Easter Kite Flying is my favorite - and the day always concludes with every single man present falling asleep on the various couches, recliners, or sofas. I love MEALS. And we're quite excited about this little treasure hunt Mom has cooked up for us (yes, before you ask, both BabyDaddy and I still get Easter baskets, but only if we hold up our hands, scout's honor style, and proclaim our belief in the Easter Bunny for Mom each year). Even though BD secretly revels in the lovely surprises Mom always dreams up for us, he plays tough and ribs Mom about being a cheese ball. One of these days, a cheese ball is going to show up in his basket or Christmas stocking, and he'll be sorry...
I know I've kept this short and sweet, but honestly, I just did my Wii Fit for 40 minutes (GET OUT OF MY FAT JEANS UPDATE: I'm down another two pounds -- I'm starting to notice a difference!), my legs hurt, it's raining outside, and I'm feeling like falling into bed, so I think I will. I hope ya'll have a splendid Easter - enjoy your families, go to a worship service, and most of all, remember to think about the real reason we have this holiday. We are all here because of the grace and generosity of the Giver, so don't forget to thank him for it!

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