I don't have on any makeup, my hair is up in a messy bun, and my fingers are slightly sticky from the apple Lil' C and I just had as a snack. Heck, I haven't even showered today. And do you know what the grandest thing about all of the above is? I. DON'T. CARE. Not even a teeny-weeny tiny morsel of a bit. I feel great. The Muffin and I have had the day to ourselves, and it has been splendid. (No offense BD, you know we like you around most of the time.) I finished one book and started another, scored a near perfect cup of coffee while sharing Froot Loops with the kiddo, and -- well, you know, I haven't really done anything more productive than that. I did make some cute little bouquets to sit around the house this afternoon, so that's something. We have a gorgeous flowering bush in the backyard that smells divine, so I always try to take advantage of the blooms when I can.

Remember my cute flea market Sundae cups?

Now, on to getting the Muffin in the tub and into his jammies, taking time of course to read his library books about twenty times each ("Wet's wead about dose widdle monkeys jumpin' on 'da bed again. Pwease Mamma?"). I rented Slumdog Millionaire to watch tonight, and I fully intend upon having a (small) bowl of strawberry ice cream and a (large) glass of white wine as I enjoy the show.
such a nice day!!