Shameless Plug – I don’t know why the foam is better than the lotion, but IT. IS. Even BabyDaddy commented that I look “way hotter than normal”. Thanks. Umm…I think. I started using the foam on Wednesday, and by Easter Sunday/Sundress D-Day, I had a reasonable amount of what I thought was pretty natural color - except for the fact that I forgot to get darker mineral powder for my face, so it was still a bit pale. It still has the same self-tanner smell, (as I have already lamented to my dear Ames), but not as strong as other self-tanners. Being that I’m way too lazy and cheap to pay for the tanning bed, plus I like my skin cancer-free thankyouverymuch, I’ll take that.
So – Easter this year was a raging success. I got to hang out with the fam in God’s country, had a treasure hunt, egg hunt, and basket hunt, and got to eat like the true glutton I am. (I’m scared to even look at my Wii Fit. It will probably laugh at me when I try to weigh in.) I totally should have stopped after the fourth cheese cake bite…or the second helping of pasta salad…or..well, crap. Now I’m making myself feel really bad. Ah well, what’s done is done.

The boys had a great time hunting eggs - even though they lost interest about halfway through when they started having dandelion blowing contests. BabyDaddy and I were diving for the eggs like crazy people, and completely ignoring the dirty looks that were being shot at us by the other 3 and under parents. Come on! We're in it to win it! Second place is just the first loser you know. (Lil' C did win the prize for the most eggs in his age group, though *ahem* he did that all on his own....) After thoroughly cleaning house there, we headed back to Mom's for our treasure hunt. Brava' Mama' - it was splendid, as most of your brain concoctions are... She had hidden clues all over the farm, and BD and I hoofed it while the boys were chauffeured around in the all-terrain Mule. In the midst of our treasure hunting, we ended up at the river, where we passed our favorite 'swanging vine'. For those of ya'll that didn't have the God-given blessing of being brought up in the country, you might not have had the opportunity to take a ride on a swangin' vine. :) It is basically just that - a large grape vine that has so firmly entwined itself in a tree - preferably on a steep bank or overlooking a river or creek - that you can launch yourself into space. Our vine has been a source of great pleasure. Grampa J warned us that perhaps we should skip our air time because the vine had probably rotted over the long winter and with the recent heavy rains. "Nah!" I interjected, throwing my hands on my hips, "I'm sure it's fine!" "Yeah," Mom chimed in. "I just took a ride on it last week. It was plenty steady..." We took a quick vote and decided BabyDaddy should get the honor of the first swing. (Translation -- be the guinea pig.) Sure enough, he had no further started his swing out over the bank when we heard a suspicious popping noise. A collective gasp went up from our little group as we saw the vine completely pull away from the tree, and BD plummet toward the ground. It's all right now ya'll - take your hand off your heart and take a breath - he's just fine. Nothin' that will leave a scar. :)

So – Easter this year was a raging success. I got to hang out with the fam in God’s country, had a treasure hunt, egg hunt, and basket hunt, and got to eat like the true glutton I am. (I’m scared to even look at my Wii Fit. It will probably laugh at me when I try to weigh in.) I totally should have stopped after the fourth cheese cake bite…or the second helping of pasta salad…or..well, crap. Now I’m making myself feel really bad. Ah well, what’s done is done.
We got up with the chickens Sunday morning and drove over to our church for Sunrise Service. I truly think that out of all the church experiences I have, Sunrise Service is one of the times each year when I feel closest to God. We always have it outside, weather permitting, and everyone wears sweats and brings quilts to sit on and wrap up in. Someone always sets up three life-sized crosses on our little hill, and we sing hymns as the sun comes up behind them. Grampa always delivers a little sermon about the women going to the tomb of Jesus and hearing the news that would change our world forever. It is always a magnificent moment for me. After the service, we have breakfast together, and then everyone goes home to get spruced up for the main worship service. 
The MEAL was held at my Nanny's house, as usual. We ate, talked, laughed, and then headed outside to fly our kites. The day was perfect - with just the right amount of wind, our kites streaked into the sky - well, everyone's but mine that is, but then, that's a tradition all it's own. Every year I fight for the kite that I think is best, and every year, everyone laughs as I run through the field, begging my kite to fly as it spirals in a crazy dance before diving dramatically to the ground. Just like being at sunrise service brings me closer to God, I think flying kites with my family brings me closer to my brother. I swear, I can feel him as the sun shines down on the faces of my family. It's like he's standing next to me, talking trash as I try to get my kite in the air. (I totally would have punched him in the arm - I'm sure he would have just smiled his crooked smile and talked some more smack.) The highlight of the afternoon was seeing my Uncle Doc drive through the gate into the field with Lil'C in his lap. It was the Muffin's first time driving a tractor and he was so excited! We all clapped and cheered as they made laps around us, Lil' C happily squealing, "Hi Mommy! Hi! I drive track-tor!" Good times, good times. Now, it's back to the grind, with no more state holidays on the horizon until Memorial Day in May. *Sniff* 
Finally - a moment to read your blog. Everything always sounds like so much more fun when I read about it here. We do have great family times, huh?