So, I
had lost a total of 7 pounds…Now, I’m back to 6.8. And it’s all because of YOU Famous Amos! Blast you – you and your little innocent, bite sized, pre-packaged cookies! I had been doing so well, but ya’ll know me, I’ve got to satisfy that sweet tooth. I got on this Wendy’s side salad kick – I read about it in a health magazine, and I had been bringing something small and sweet to eat afterwards, but I forgot my small and sweet thing last Friday, so I went to the vending machine. BAD IDEA. I had forgotten how much I used to loooove those Famous Amos mini cookies. And by “love”, I mean “love the whole bag”. Even as the little yoga angel on my right shoulder wailed pitifully, “Don’t DO it Meg! Think of your diet! Think of the CELLULITE!”, the fat devil with the double chin and a bad comb-over on my left shoulder chuckled as my finger shot out and hit the dreaded buttons--- E-32. E-32 = DEMISE. So, I’m chalking my .2 pound weight gain up to an unavoidable loss of brain function due to precariously low blood sugar, and I’m punishing myself this week. I’m not allowed to eat anything sweet other than Jello’s 70 calorie cinnamon rice pudding once each day. (My fat devil has already burst into hives, and has been imploring me to scarf one of the Soft Batch cookies BabyDaddy is hiding in the back of the pantry, but I shall muster on!)
EGG-Stravaganza! I love word puns – don’t you?
The lovely J-Mamie and her tater tot, JC, graciously invited the Muffin and I to go to an Easter event at a local store on Saturday. The boys both did very well, and each came away with an admirable cache of plastic eggs and a sweet little goody bag. They even got to take a photo with the Easter Bunny – which they both adored. Neither one wanted to leave him, which was definitely a pleasant surprise after the Muffin’s Christmas debacle with Santa Clause this past year. Afterwards, we headed over to the nearest fast-food Playland and let the boys run. The ride home was peppered with, “Ma! He got my eggie!” and “Hey! Bwue one is MINE!” and “MAMAAA! MY EEEEGGGG!”
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