Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I love me some Wii!

Lots going on now folks, so you’ll have to stay with me. Unfortunately - instead of being able to write about things at a somewhat stable and leisurely pace, addressing things as they happen, I thought it would be a good idea to work a full time job, buy a house, lock myself down with a man, and pop out a kid. Not that all of the above doesn’t bring me an obscene amount of joy, (well, the man might be debatable on certain days – Ha! Just jerkin’ yer chain there BD!), because it truly does, however it doesn’t lend itself to a whole lot of ‘wile away the hours’ time. One of these days I envision myself sipping coffee on a veranda and pecking away at my laptop in an oversized white wicker rocking chair while BabyDaddy reads the morning paper. Of course, the veranda will be catty-corner to the recreation hall at the assisted living center, the coffee will be weak, BabyDaddy will be drooling, and my blog will be illegible because I won’t be able to see the letters on the keyboard. *Sigh*

So, instead, I have to hit the highlights fast and hard, as usual. First up:

Drum roll ya’ll…….. I have lost 5 pounds! Woo-hoo! Well, technically, 4.8, but who’s counting? This is since Epiphany Day at Mama’s house three weeks ago, when I stepped on the scale and it screamed. I have to admit that the addition of a Wii Fit to our family has definitely helped – it even keeps track of my weight and goals, which is fab-U-lous! I have input my goal as losing 10 pounds in two months. I have to lose 1.3 pounds per week in order to achieve it – we’ll see how I do. (I’m still doing the egg thing too Ches!)

Weekend With Mi Madre y’ Padrasto
(That’s mama and step-daddy for those of ya’ll who aren’t trying to teach your kid Spanish as a second language. Ole’!)

We go to God’s Country on a pretty regular basis, but this past weekend it was to remember my little brother Ryan, who we lost four years ago. It is always wonderful to be together as a family in remembering Ry, and even more so now that there are two little boys, (with identical personalities to my brother and I), to chase around. On Saturday BabyDaddy and Grampa J headed out to the lake for a day of fishing and Mom and I took the ragamuffin boys out letterboxing. One letterbox was in a great park – the boys laughed and chased each other around while Mom and I kept the peace. It’s just like when I was little: the Muffin, (Mini-me), starts the trouble. “Hey! Wet’s pway in da mud! Wet’s chase the cat! Wanna pway shoot em’ guns?” Poor Kelt, (Mini-Ry), just tries to stay out of his way. The best part of the day was getting to use the Ryan stamp for the first time. After we all got into this letterboxing business, I found a gentleman who carves custom stamps. I had him carve a stamp with Ryan and his dog - planning to give it to Mom for Mother’s Day – but I thought this was a better occasion. Kelt got to do the honors for the first use of his daddy’s stamp. It was a cool moment. Sunday after church was spent on the farm. Grampa J let Lil’ C help with his minnow traps and we visited the neighbors and their new baby goat. All was well until right before we left for home. BD had the bright idea of leaving his keys in the truck, along with our mischievous dogs. Not so smart. We came out to find them securely locked in, digging through the Muffin’s back pack for snacks. Of course, BabyDaddy insisted that we not call anyone, preferring to employ the coat hanger tactic – he was not successful. Finally, at the brink of accepting failure, BD went over to the passenger side and asked the magic question, “Hey guys, want a treat?” Both dogs bounded over the center console and jumped to the door, hitting the unlock button square in the middle. Crisis averted.

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