Monday, March 16, 2009

Tennis and ho's.....

*Sigh* Monday again. It always seems to come around too quickly. We had a decent enough weekend. BabyDaddy was at work on Saturday, so the Muffin and I went to hang out with Ames and the Family S. Lil' C of course got his usual dose of Diva - playing restaurant and Barbie's and High School Musical Sing-a-long. But the main even was, by far, the competitive cheer leading. "Anything you can do, I can do better! I can do anything better than you!" (What a great song...) So, Lil' Diva can cheer? The Muffin can cheer. Is that Diva doing the splits? "Here I go Ma, watch me!" Much to our collective surprise, a new addition to the squad showed up at the last minute. Daddy J, you are the MOST enthusiastic pom-pom man I have ever seen. It takes a confident male to be able to show off your spirit fingers.

Sunday was good too -- the usual morning routine -- church, followed by Cracker Barrel. Then the Muffin and I had to spiffy up and head out to the baby shower for the newest pint in the Family S. It was in the Fellowship Hall of their church, and Lil' C was good on the whole... if you take out that little bit where he started to play, "Hewow there ladies and gent-el-mens, hewow there ladies and gents! Are you weady to ROCK? Are you weady to ROCK?" on the church organ. Thank goodness it was electric and turned off. (Reputation saved. No demon child here!)

Today was bearable. The normal Monday I-can-barely-keep-my-eyes-open-where-the-heck-is-my-coffee-crap-I-forgot-to-leave-my-trash-out-and-now-my-office-smells-like-weekend-old-spaghettios stuff. The good thing is that we finally got a Wii! And the even better thing is that I kicked BD's butt at tennis. Yay ME! Yeah, I got so sick of buying, trying, and returning bedding sets, I said forget it! Let's just spend all our bedding money and then some on a gaming system that we totally don't need!! How's that for smart? But, I will say that I am sure it is going to be a good thing for project GET OUT OF MY FAT JEANS. After Lil' C went to bed tonight, we played until we were ready to fall over. Much better than Fat Busting Latin Dance.

On a much less chipper note, as a few of my friends can attest, I have been lamenting the fact that BabyDaddy finally crawled out of his technological cave and decided to get a Facebook. I was hoping that he would stay pure and virtuous forever. But alas, he started his account on Friday, and it has been an ongoing issue ever since. Who knew there were so many trashy girls in our area? Well, apparently BD went to high school with ALL OF THEM. (To those of you who I know and love and who have friended BD, fear not, I'm not throwing you into Club Ho-Bag.) I really considered stealing some pictures to post, just to show you the sort of material we're dealing with here, but then I thought better of it. That would NOT be nice. So, I've decided I'll just smack talk them anonymously here on Planet Me. So slut-muffins beware! I. Am. Watching. Have a nice night now ya'll!

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