I am thankful for little boy songs sung in squeaky little boy voices. I am thankful for missing BabyDaddy when he's gone, (I guess that means I still like him, which is always encouraging...), and I'm thankful for group hugs with the Muffin when he gets home. "You're back Daddy! I so gwad we all to-gether now!" I am thankful for good books - even if this means I have to take a short blogging hiatus because I spend every free second devouring more pages. (Yes, as I told a friend last week, I do realize that my Super Nerd tights and cape are showing. Tune in tomorrow for 'Monday's Moments'. I promise I'll deliver a blog worth your time.) I am thankful for children's museums and peach milkshakes. I am thankful for long afternoon naps and thunderstorms. I am thankful for Mommy/Muffin movie nights, complete with Kettle Corn and lemonade, even if the movie part consisted of watching Shrek 732 times. That stupid donkey still cracks me up. I am thankful for candles that smell good. Especially the ones that can neutralize 'hot dog' (not nearly as bad as 'hot dead' mind you, however still quite offensive to the nasal passages). I am thankful for warm afternoons and improtu games of backyard kickball. I am thankful for today.
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