I am thankful for long weekends, even if it feels like they pass by even faster than normal ones. I am thankful for being bored - it's a treasure to not feel like you are constantly rushing to get to the next event, the next place, the next appointment. I am thankful for time spent with the Muffin and BD, hatching sponge animals, reading stories, and playing on the computer. (Lots of playing on the computer.) I am thankful for Farm Town on Facebook. BD and I have arrived at a new level of cooperation -- 'You harvest my corn, and I'll harvest yours', or, 'I'll trade you three cows for a turkey'. I am thankful for the endless buffets at Golden Corral and for big-budget fireworks at the county park that I got to watch standing in the rain with BD's arms wrapped around my shoulders. (Go ahead, let's have it. A collective, "AWWWWWwwwww." Yeah, I know. We're still corny like that.) I am thankful for being able to spend the afternoon with Jay and JC. The pool was lovely and uncrowded and we simply had a blast. It beats the outdoor pool any day - not having to worry about sun screen and having heated water take the cake. I have to say that the highlight of my afternoon was watching JC do his slow-motion 'sea monster' bit. He should have been in MJ's
Thriller video. Like, totally. Even though I didn't get to come back and work out - sorry Jay - it was $5 bucks well spent.) I felt pretty good about all that activity in the pool, so I came home, ate three Oreos, and took a nap. I am thankful that there is always tomorrow to work out. Maybe I could have just
one more Oreo.....then again, there was that whole Golden Corral thing from yesterday, so I'm sure I'm still a smidge behind on the whole excercise-to-junk food ratio. RATS. Oh well, I'm thankful for all that anyway. And most of all, I'm thankful for today.

Yep.....I am one obsessed farmer.

Nemo likes to help us pick out our seeds. She has an unlikely preference for cabbage.

Because they're cool - and they were only $1.
He was super pumped about the fireworks. (He did actually wake up when they started booming.)

It was a good weekend. (BD says he looks like he's about half ripped in this picture - I told him he always looks about half-ripped in pictures. He didn't like that too much.)
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