Last night, we went to our favorite Mexican place for dinner (hooray for fried ice cream! Down with diets!) and then took the Muffin to the park for some 'Please-dear-God-let-him-run-himself-silly-so-he'll-fall-asleep-at-a-decent-hour' activity. Did it work? Oh yes. But unfortunately, the above tactic also worked on the parents, and so the whole idea of getting some 'Mommy and Daddy' time was a moot point in the end. *Sigh* Parenthood at it's finest. Ah well, we had a good time chasing each other around the playground, except for when BD spun me on the weird Tilt-a-Whirl thing until I almost threw up. (He thought I was pretending, but no, I really WAS about two seconds away from projectile-vomiting up my fried rice right next to the swings.) We were going to feed the ducks on our way out, but then realized we had forgotten the bread. Being the over-packed Mommy that I am, I remedied the situation by retrieving a ziplock baggie of stale Froot Loops (hey, those babies are super high in iron and fiber thankyouverymuch), and we all left happy. I do believe the ducks even had a bit of pep in their waddle. Or maybe that was the sugar rush beginning....
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sometimes, Pet Smart is just as nice as the Zoo...
And it's totally free! Or, at least, it starts out that way. Dear BabyDaddy. You shall rue the day (which will probably be tomorrow) that I hand over my debit receipts for this one. We were just bored you see - with BD at work and the afternoon rolling out before us, I thought it would be nice to make a quick trip to town. Just a little window shopping and wandering. You know, just to get out of the house. Silly me, silly me. Does 'just a little window shopping' ever really turn out to be just that? Well, at least with me and the Muffin it doesn't. Our two resident rodents Ming-Ming and Nemo are thoroughly enjoying their brand new two-bedroom/one litter pit town home and their shiny 'Silent Feet' running wheel, while munching on celery and carrot stuffed gourmet wood chews. I adore Pet Smart - and I'm sure MM and Nemo adore that I adore it. I can practically see the joy in their beady little eyes. They both look rather like that rat Templeton in Charlotte's Web after he gorges himself at the county fair. Then, we went to Michael's, because it was the next store down and we didn't have anywhere pressing to be. Don't you just love how walking into a place like that makes you feel all crafty even if you aren't in real life? I get very ambitious when I go to Michael's usually, but today I decided to play it cool. We ended up with two kiddie paint by number books for the Muffin, along with some of those 'Grow a Farm Animal' capsule things that hatch into various spongey, vaguely-animal-looking shapes that seem so exciting at the time and are typically in the garbage five minutes later. But hey, it's the journey right? My project was a super pair of comfy black flip-flops with two packages of fabulous rhinestone jewels in pastel shades. (Ya'll know me by now - if you're gonna do something, do it big. And do it sparkly.)

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