...you have a small-mouth bass in your Koi pond. We now have a small-mouth bass AND a bluegill, freshly caught from our new favorite fishing hole. BabyDaddy and I took the Muffin fishing for the first time last night - he was just beside himself! "Is dat a weeeeerrrrm Daddy? A real weeeeerrrrm? Eww! Daddy es pwayin' wif da' worm! What are you DOIN' Daddy? You are sooooo gross!" We caught three itty-bitty bluegill; we threw them all back but one, which we put in a huge metal pot that BD had brought just for this purpose. I had to ride home with that stupid thing held between my knee caps. But regardless, we had a lovely time. Lil' C was so patient, either standing next to BD or sitting motionless while he held the pole by himself. Every time he got a bite and his bobber fluttered below the surface of the water, he would squeal and scream. BD had barely gotten the first fish out of the creek when the Muffin pounced. "I DID IT! I DID IT! Ok, wanna hold my fish now Daddy, dat MY fish OK? I wanna pet him now OKAY Daddy, PWEASE?" He laughed and laughed. The only bad thing was that the nasty mud by the edge of the water smelled like crap. I mean it. Like, real poop. Which it probably was. Fish poop, turtle poop, duck poop -- I'm sure there was a little bit of everything mixed in there. So now, BD's shoes smell like poop. Even after I forced him to scrub them with a toothbrush. Even after I made him wipe them down with bleach. Even after he sprayed them with a water hose. It is now my personal mission to make these shoes disappear. Just don't tell BD. :)
Oh, and I am SO proud of myself that I am going to just have a moment of self-glorification. I know what you're thinking Mom. A moment? Who am I kidding?! I'm just glad you still let me be a Diva every once in a while. See Ames? Divas do grow up to be.....well.....just bigger divas. But I digress. So, I'm scared to death of blood, my own or anyone else's for that matter. So it's sort of a big deal for me to think of donating it, which entails not one, but TWO needle sticks, watching myself bleed out into a plastic bag, and squeezing a really annoying stress ball. Yes I had to cover my face with my book when they started, and yes I caused a tiny bit of a scene when I almost fainted at the end, but I. DID. IT. YESSSSSSSSS.
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