New hair, new me! In celebration of my almost-ten-pound-but-now-hovering-'cause-I've-been-an-exercise-slacker weight loss, I went to an edgy new gal in God's Country for a "Yay Me!" stylin' session. She razored until I thought her poor little hand would fall off, and I am now the proud owner of about 479 new layers and a fresh shock of sideways bangs. She also styled it, making me look and feel dee-vine, but I'm quickly realizing I don't have 45 minutes to flat iron/big iron/smaller iron curl it every morning. But I still love it.
The Muffin was thankfully asleep when we made our way into the pew at my cousin's wedding. He stayed that way until almost the very end of the ceremony, when I could tell he was drifting up to the surface. As the pastor announced the new couple, sharp applause broke out, making the Muffin yelp and almost jump out of his skin, just before I saw the tell-tale bottom lip pooching out. This is always a pre-cursor to a huge wave of tears and general hysteria, however with whispered pleadings, promises of suckers, and bribes of crayons, Mom and I were able to help him contain himself. "Dat noisey," he said after it was over, "dat NOT nice." :)
One of my favorite summer activities is cooking out down at the river, which we were lucky enough to do Saturday night. The whole family showed up, along with my dear friend Jess, who the Muffin stuck to like glue the entire night, (sorry my dear - I know you didn't gamble on having a Siamese two year old attached at your hip). Uncle Doc entertained us with all manner of talk - government conspiracies, the challenges of tandem cycling (ie, the problem of staying upright when you have to stop and inconveniently forget that your feet are strapped to the pedals), recent happenings at our family's farm supply store. Nanny was able to steal the Muffin away to the swing set long enough for Jess and I to catch up on gossip while munching on watermelon. It was so late when we finally drug ourselves away, we didn't get back to the city until after midnight.

Sunday morning we went to church - the Muffin actually started to cry when we came to pick him up after the service, God bless him. He was in the middle of a group of kids, playing his heart out when he looked up and saw us at the door. That bottom lip stuck out, and this time he let it all go. "Stay here! Stay here!" he pleaded all the way out to the car. After lunch and a restful afternoon, we headed to the in-laws for another holiday cook out. We had the traditional fun family corn hole match - I had an off night and so was a bit cranky - and after eating the kids all stripped down and piled into the hot tub, which had been turned down so that it was the temp of a good bath. Later in the evening, a pick-up game of ghetto volley ball ensued with some neighbor kids, while the grown ups chatted on the patio. We left hot, tired, and happy.
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