First of all, I love a completely plan-free Saturday that stretches out in front of you like a week's vacation. I am currently in last night's work-out clothes - oh yes, I fell into bed without even taking a shower - I have the dirty raccoon you-didn't-wash-your-face-and-now-its-the-morning mascara rings under my eyes, my teeth feel fuzzy, and I would probably cause an innocent bystander to go into cardiac arrest if I happened to breathe on them. And I. LOVE. IT. I'm watching the Muffin bound across the floor as he 'exercises' on the Wii, and I can hear BabyDaddy still snoring (rather loudly I might add) through the open door of the bedroom. I just took a sip of today's first cup of coffee and I am about as content as I can be. Our church is having a kiddie carnival this afternoon, and Lil' C has already loudly declared his wishes to go, so we'll probably venture out of the house for that, but anything above and beyond that is debatable. Things I also love ---
Muddy puppies - Especially when they are muddy because they just dug up my iris bulbs...

Mr. Bubble's Foam Soap - Because it is super fun and can be made into a variety of delightful accessories.
Seeing the little flowers that the Muffin planted begin to grow.
AND FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY: This one goes out to you Holls, who always wanted to see one of my auto 'jam sessions'. (I'll admit it's a rather tame one, but hey, take it or leave it) It also goes out to BabyDaddy, who said I would never do this. (You now officially owe me five bucks partner.)
*I love the feeling that comes when driving on sunny afternoons with the windows down and the radio blaring my new favorite song. Don't you?
you need to come pick me up and we can auto jam together!!!!