Saturday, May 30, 2009

Things I Think are Spa-Len-Did......

First of all, I love a completely plan-free Saturday that stretches out in front of you like a week's vacation. I am currently in last night's work-out clothes - oh yes, I fell into bed without even taking a shower - I have the dirty raccoon you-didn't-wash-your-face-and-now-its-the-morning mascara rings under my eyes, my teeth feel fuzzy, and I would probably cause an innocent bystander to go into cardiac arrest if I happened to breathe on them. And I. LOVE. IT. I'm watching the Muffin bound across the floor as he 'exercises' on the Wii, and I can hear BabyDaddy still snoring (rather loudly I might add) through the open door of the bedroom. I just took a sip of today's first cup of coffee and I am about as content as I can be. Our church is having a kiddie carnival this afternoon, and Lil' C has already loudly declared his wishes to go, so we'll probably venture out of the house for that, but anything above and beyond that is debatable. Things I also love ---

Muddy puppies - Especially when they are muddy because they just dug up my iris bulbs...

Mr. Bubble's Foam Soap - Because it is super fun and can be made into a variety of delightful accessories.

Seeing the little flowers that the Muffin planted begin to grow.

AND FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY: This one goes out to you Holls, who always wanted to see one of my auto 'jam sessions'. (I'll admit it's a rather tame one, but hey, take it or leave it) It also goes out to BabyDaddy, who said I would never do this. (You now officially owe me five bucks partner.)

*I love the feeling that comes when driving on sunny afternoons with the windows down and the radio blaring my new favorite song. Don't you?

1 comment:

  1. you need to come pick me up and we can auto jam together!!!!
