Who, in their right mind, would sacrifice a Wednesday evening to brave the madness of a local Kentucky Fried Chicken on the day that a coupon hits the Internet promising a free meal? Who would wait in a line that stretched from the cash registers to the doors, and then snaked around the sidewalk into the parking lot? Who would find themselves surrounded by crying children, angry customers ("I SAY-ud I wunted MASHED 'taters, NOT 'tater wedges! I thank I also axed fer an ex-tre bis-kit too, if you'da been payin' attenshun..."), and frazzled restaurant employees? Who, you ask? ME. Because seriously, who can resist free anything? One of my gal pals at work forwarded me the "Oprah" KFC coupon today, (printable only today now my lovelies, so don't go trying to get a copy), and as I thought it might be hazardous to subject my family to another night of Hamburger Helper, I jumped on that coupon like it was solid gold. So there we were with the other 984 schmucks that had the same idea at the same time, all standing around eyeballing each other and waiting for our crappy pieces of chicken. The Muffin delighted in searching for Colonel Sanders - "Hey Daddy, wook! Der' dat Ker-mal Sandals. Wook Daddy, he wight dere! Oh wow, dere's anudder Ker-mal Sandals. Daddy, dere lots of Ker-mal Sandals ev-rywhere here!" Lucky for us, we brought in his backpack and toys, so he and BD staged a small scale demolition derby with little monster trucks driving up napkin holder ramps and jumping over lines of plastic sporks. We finally got our chicken (I thought it was tough and quite unimpressive) and took our leave, squeezing around the 673 new crazies standing in line with coupons in hand. I still have a slight headache from all the trauma. *Sigh*

I didn't get to post my normal 'Sunday Thanks' this week because we spent the weekend in God's Country, and I was just too lazy to update by the time we made it back home. We did have a lovely relaxing weekend with lots of hang-around-the-house family time, which I adore. The highlight for the Muffin was our trek to a local Amish greenhouse - "Mommy, dese fwo-wers are beeee-u-ti-fuwl!!" He was also delighted that along with Nana, Nanny and Pa also came with us. It still just jerks on my heart strings to see how much he idolizes my grandparents. Pa hangs the moon of course, and he can play for hours with the ever-patient Nanny. The only reason I got to look at anything in the greenhouse myself is because my Nanny, bless her heart, spent our time there crouched down on an old wooden pallet digging for rocks and counting potato bugs with the Muffin. The rest of the weekend was relaxing and slow, spending time at Nanny's chasing one-eyed farm cats and playing with the special box of toys that has been passed from my mother and uncle to my brother and me, and now is shared by our two sons. It was certainly hard to head home and gear up for another week. But here we are eh? And the week is almost over again. *Happy claps* 
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