Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday Thanks
Friday, August 21, 2009
My Commandments
2) Thou shalt never, EVER, forget thy umbrella on a rainy, humid, southern afternoon. (Especially when thou hast a hair type of “wavy”, aka ‘one-drop-of-persipitation-turns-your-sleek-curls-into-a-sight-impairing-nest-of-frizz’.) If thou dost forget thy umbrella, thou should then call in sick for the rest of the day.
3) Thou shalt not permit thy offspring to pee in the grass. It gives them the thumbs up that it’s perfectly acceptable to pee on any grass. Like the grass around your neighbor’s mailbox. Or the grass by the swings at the park. Or the grass in front of McDonald’s.
4) Thou shalt not go clothes shopping after eating at a buffet. (Thou shalt also not consider squeezing into a pair of jeans while lying on the floor of the dressing rooms, holding your breath, and asking thy two-year-old to stand on thy tummy. This is not considered “a good fit”.)
5) Thou shalt not allow thy child to sleep in the ‘grown up’ bed, as he will never leave.
6) Thou shalt not laugh at thy husband when he puts his underwear on his head and dances in front of thy child. Like peeing in the grass, this condones ‘underwear head’ as being acceptable conduct. Thy child WILL take the extra underwear thou keepest in his backpack and put it on his head in public places.
7) Thou shalt not count two jumping jacks as ‘working out’. This will NOT cancel out the three Oreos thou hast just consumed, although it may irrationally make thou feel better. Now THREE jumping jacks on the other hand….
8) Thou shalt not attempt to drive on the Interstate in 2nd gear. Yes, there IS a difference. Thy car engine is NOT supposed to sound that way.
9) Thou shalt not allow thy Baby Daddy to feed thy child Kettle Corn, Pringles, and a grape Popsicle and call this “lunch”.
10) Thou shalt not procrastinate. Unfortunately, thy plates will not scrape the day-old corndog and congealed ketchup from themselves, thy husband’s dirty socks will not march to the washing machine, and thy gerbils will not clean up their own poop.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunday Thanks

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Quoteable Quote

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Everything in Moderation...

Vintage look 'Baby Dior' tee -- $250. (Wouldn't want to let him eat spaghetti wearing that! Or cherry Popsicle, or chocolate pudding, or a corn dog. Hmmm, maybe we could just frame it and hang it in his bedroom....)
Custom-built Cedar Works Play set -- Um, they didn't give a price. Ya'll know THAT'S never a good sign. BabyDaddy and I have negotiated on this one and decided that we might make that far gazebo a little smaller, or possibly eliminate the rock climbing wall - much more understated that way. Plus, then we could actually have a square foot or two of actual ground space left. Maybe enough to fit a yard chair at least...
Hot-rod Kidz Luxury Ride On -- $18,995. Because every little boy should have a chromed-out, leather interior-ed mean machine eh? Of course, this means I don't get a new car for the next ten years. Gee, I hope the Corolla can get another three hundred thousand miles...
Lilliput Classic Bungalow -- $9,995. Now I know the Muffin is a boy, but you do realize that 'gender-neutral play' is all the rage these days, yes? BD thought the above was a little girly, (even though I fell in love with the indoor stair case and mini-loft), so I thought we'd go more in this direction:
The description, (again with the non-existent price list), for this little slice of the good life was
"This beautiful replica of the family’s 100+ year old home comes complete with
French doors, interior crown molding and chair rail, wainscoting, air
conditioning, two slides, rock climbing wall, sandbox, and swings. Childhood
sure is sweet!"
I'm thinking, "You had me at 'air conditioning'...." The more I looked at this stuff, the madder I got. People had enough money to buy this crap? Why don't I have enough money to buy this crap? But then I thought about it and realized that these kids were the unlucky ones. These kids, on their bajillion thread-count sheets in their Pottery Barn catalog rooms that drive to the guest house in their miniature replica hot rods actually might be getting the short end of the proverbial stick. Why? Because I can guarantee that they'll probably never know the joy of imagination. What's to imagine in a world like that? They probably aren't allowed the processed sugar found in Popsicles, they don't know how to find cloud animals in the sky, and they would never dream of splashing through a mud puddle just to see how dirty they can get. Their nannies would probably scream. So it's okay that most of the time, my kid is in hand-me-downs or outfits from our local Kohl's or Wal-Mart. It's okay that we go to the park to play on the giant mega-play sets instead of buying one for our own. (Heck - it's free!) It's okay that we make spy glasses out of toilet paper rolls and funny disguises out of pipe cleaners. It's good to be in the middle. Enough to survive and splurge every now and then, but not enough to forget how to be grateful. Blast, I guess we won't be getting that mammoth swing set after all. But, I'm sure the Muffin will be just fine without it. In fact, he'll probably be better without it. ***Brushing hands and stepping off soapbox***
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday Thanks

The Muffin acting like Daddy's squirrel. I told him he still needs to work on his "Run, run for your life!" look. It's just not very convincing...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
...that I've been completely useless today.
...that there is never enough time in the day.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Honey, I'm Home!
*Being the Toilet Paper Fairy (well, that might be a bit optimistic.)
Our kin from down south journeyed up to God's Country for a visit recently. Lord knows how she did it, but Mom actually got me to do chores. Like, manual labor. You know, the stuff that usually gives me hives. (Ya'll remember now, that my one true stroke of luck in life was marrying a man that is a cleaning machine.) So here I am, up much too early on the day that the cousins are to arrive, with Mom poking at my back and sending me through two houses with orders to make sure that no one would be stuck without a roll while in the facilities. I'm sure I looked like some kind of a bedraggled wreck - hair hanging in messy tendrils, smudged black rings outlining my squinty eyes; a full-to-brimming Ninja Turtles coffee mug clenched in one hand and a 24-pack of Charmin in the other. Some fairy I was. I should have had a sash and a tiara too....or a wand at least. I could have used the toilet plunger! Wouldn't that have been grand? Bother, I wish I'd have thought of it then....
*Sitting on the grass in the backyard and feeling the Muffin's pudgy little arm, sticky with lime Popsicle, sliding around my neck as he pronounces, "I wuv you 'da mos' Mamma. You're my best in 'da whole Earf." Then, he promptly states "I wanna pee in 'da grass pwease. Can you scoot over a widdle bit?" Ah, so much for savoring...
*Eating the very first of our very own summer-ripe tomatoes, right off the vine. There is nothing like tomato juice dribbling down your chin when no one is watching. I probably looked rather like a flesh-eating zombie, complete with glazed eyes and idiotic grin.
*Buying the $8 bag of Starbucks ground coffee at the Amish surplus store for $2.50. Oh yes, sweet victory! Happiness can be found in the bottom of a coffee cup. Now don't say I didn't ever give you any helpful advice.
*Working out, (and nearly passing out) with Jay. I swear, if I had just an ounce of the energy that she has in her swingy pony tail, maybe I wouldn't feel like hiding behind the pop machine every time we head in the general direction of the treadmills at the gym... Blast you skinny people! Couldn't you at least make it look hard? Thank God the last time we worked out together, the treadmill beside me was broken, so she had to work out in the row of machines in front of me. Every time she would turn around with a chipper, "How ya doing? Running hard?" I could crank up the speed dial and look like I was just pounding away, breathing hard, fists pumping, feet flying as I gulped out, "Oh yeah! This is great!" Then, when she turned back to the front, I could dial down to a more geriatric pace and gasp for breath like a dying fish flopping on a dock.
*Firefighter Campout/Cookout/Battle of the Rock Bands/Norm-a-palooza
I'll have to say this was the first year that I have made an appearance at this annual event, but I survived and had a good time. Ya'll know me, and the whole no bathroom, no cell phone service, sleeping-outside-with-the-wildlife isn't really my scene. But I must tell you that there was a Port-a-Potty, and it actually smelled nice! Is that possible? I've never come across a nice-smelling P-a-P in my life (ooohh, bad acronym, sorry girls), but this one I just about enjoyed using. A shout-out must be sent to Cass, who was absolutely delightful, 'Manda who introduced me to cherry coke and was the Diva-in-Residence at Rock Band, (yes, they had a large projection screen that they played video games on), and Kim, who was just funny as crap.
Well now, I must do something productive with the rest of my evening. I should go brush the coyote. Oh, you didn't know? BD has added to our little morbid zoo. Apparently, there's some sort of 'People-Who-Like-to-Stuff-Dead-Things' convention this weekend, which BD has been slaving away for. We now have a full-body mount coyote, snarling after two helpless little squirrels no less. I swear, just when I think it can't get any worse....
Sunday, August 2, 2009