BD: Someone you know drives a fire truck. Do you know who it is?
Lil'C: No.
BD: Does your daddy drive a fire truck?
Lil' C: Noooooooo.
BD: Well, then what does your daddy do?
Lil' C: Pway video gameeeessss.
**Oh yeah - take THAT mister, "I really don't play XBox that much." HA!
Me: Does your Daddy do anything else?
Lil' C: Uh-huh.
Me: Okay, well what else does your daddy do?
Lil' C: He toots! Hafta say 'scuse me!
From the mouths of babes my friends...
I have had a good but quite eventful past few days. This past Saturday of course was Valentine's Day, (also the five year anniversary of BabyDaddy's proposing to me), and so we had fun looking back at some of our old pictures - what has happened to me? Oh, that's right, there was that baby, and all those Fudgey Little Debbie Cakes, and the fact that exercise and I are like those polarized magnets that repel each other across the room. Alas, I don't have the metabolism that I used to, so I have broken down and begun saving for a treadmill. And you know good and well that if I ever do follow through and lose my two-year-old baby weight, that will be about the time we decide to have another. That would be just my luck. Oh well, live for today yes?
Today, I had a lovely pre-birthday visit with Mom and Nanny - they drove all the way up from God's Country just to surprise me! We had a perfectly sophisticated lunch at a fancy-pants tea room - It was 'Tea Tasting Tuesday', so I totally tried a serving of Pomegranate-Ooolung/Ohlong something-or-other, just because it came in fancy china, but excusing the pun, it really wasn't my cup of tea. The food however was mah-ve-lous. But I did constantly feel the need to lift my pinkie when drinking from my water goblet. Of course, Nanny found someone she knew, and I think before we were done with lunch, she had somehow connected our families, and we figured out that we were all long-lost cousins. (Leave it to Nanny, the genealogist in the family. She could probably just about connect all of us.)
Then tonight we had a bit of an early birthday celebration for me with BabyDaddy, since he has to work tomorrow - the in-laws came over and watched the Muffin while we went out to dinner. BD ordered me a sangria that was the size of my head, (which I now believe to be premeditated to dull my reaction to the events that transpired after we got home), and on the whole we had a lovely time. We got home, and he then produced a splendid cake and some ice cream.
The only problem is that I'm turning 26. Not 25. Big oops. Oh well, it's the thought that counts I hear. **Big sigh** I was still pretty happy from the sangria, and Lil' C was perfectly content to help me blow out the candles, (even if they were the wrong number), so it all turned out well in the end.
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