I meant to blog a bit over the weekend, but we decided to head down to God's Country and visit Mom and Grampa J. (Excuse #1). Then Sunday night I was busy making Valentine cards for this week. (True, but Excuse #2). Then, last night, I was fell asleep with the Muffin. (Excuse #3). So having sucked up my quota of excuses this week, here I am.
We had a lovely visit, as usual, with Mom and John-boy. We letterboxed, flew kites, and even had time to play a mean game of Scrabble with my Uncle, (the self-proclaimed Scrabble King). By the way Uncle Doc, I stand by EVERY one of my *ahem*madeup*ahem* words thankyouverymuch.
'Cause that's how I roll. For real.
And then we come to the matter of the day. Those of you who have been following for a while will remember back in the summer when BabyDaddy went to Canada for Hunterpalooza, and returned home with a bit of a souveneir, (all 350 pounds worth). Today, my friends, the souvenier came home. BabyDaddy cheered -- I almost threw up. The unfortunate thing for BD is that the "taxidermist" that we commissioned to do the work, (yep, that's right, BD was too nervous to do it himself, since this was the 'bear-of-a-lifetime'), ordered a form that was too small, so instead of taking a bit of a loss by paying for shipping costs to return the bad form, and then ordering the correct one, he just wadded up all the extra skin on the smaller form. Real world example: Ever seen a formerly obese person who has lost a tremendous amount of weight? Think of all that extra skin. That's pretty much the situation we have here -- lots of bear on a little frame. In essence, it makes the bear look a whole lot smaller than it really was. BD was NOT happy. But there's not a lot we can do about it at this point. (Hey, at least it takes up less space, which is TOTALLY good with me.) Needless to say, BD has spent a good part of the evening moaning and groaning, so I finally ordered him out to Lowe's just to get him away from the house.
My contribution -- I think he looks quite dapper. Don't you? (BabyDaddy was not impressed, but hey, at least I tried!)
OMG!!!! This bear story is so FUNNY. I can't believe you have a stuffed bear IN your house. How funny is that. I loved the scarf and hat pic. Ha Ha