Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Old Friends, New Music, and the Joy of the Season...

We had a splendid weekend - I would have written about it sooner, but my job is determined to suck every last drop of me before I leave, so I have been there more hours than I'd care to mention in the past two days. Only 6 more working days to go!

So now, for your pleasure, -- here are some highlights of the past few days --

Spread the Joy - but not too much.
We had our "Holiday Luncheon" here at work last Friday. It was preceded by a lovely email from our boss-man, that went to the tune of: "I hope you have a wonderful holiday...blah blah....please enjoy our holiday lunch today...blah...blah.... DON'T FORGET TO CLOCK OUT. IF YOU FORGET TO CLOCK OUT, BE AWARE WE WILL DOCK YOU ONE HOUR. THIS EVENT WILL BE CONSIDERED YOUR LUNCH BREAK. Have a delightful holiday season, and remember how much we appreciate you!" Wow. I'm totally feeling the love.

Happy Birthday Pa!
Both my nephew and my grandfather, whom Lil' C lovingly refers to as his "Pa" had birthdays on Friday, so we made the journey home that evening to celebrate with them. My grampa is now 79, but could probably blow the wheels off BabyDaddy at 30. He still goes to our family's store every day to work, and continues to farm - not taking much time to slow down. It was great to see him. Lil' C was very excited to wish him a "Hap Birday Pa!". :)

Old Friends -
We were so lucky to be able to see both of my dear friends Laura and Jess while home - it was so nice to catch up! Lil' C got introduced to Jess's mammoth of a dog -- (Love you Branson!), and show off for Laure', (it of course had the desired effect - she immediately emailed me after I got home to ask if it was normal for a not-even-two-year-old to count to 15, and know all of his colors and shapes - and speak in complete 3 to 4 word sentences, but whose bragging?) We also got to meet one of BG Town's bravest -- I know you're not into status Laure', but I think he is a delightful boyfriend/friend/date/occasional companion/person. :)

New Music --
Beloved Ames came through again. Since I have absolutely NO luck - she donated the tickets to the Philharmonic Orchestra's Children's Christmas Concert that she and DaddyJ won on the radio. So on Sunday, Lil' C and I loaded up, along with our friends J-Mama and C2, to head to the city. They had some fun pre-concert activities - including a whole section of Percussion instruments for the kids to play, which further cemented my plans to get Lil' C a miniature drum set for his birthday. Don't start with the "Are you serious?! You must be crazy!" comments. Been there, done that. Plus, I've already purchased myself a set of fabulous blue jelly-like ear plugs. Don't forget that music runs in our genes, so we're quite used to noise. Lil' C has already mastered the keyboard and harmonica, and with BabyDaddy on the big drums and me on the sax or vocals, we are slowly building our own band! We kick butt at Rock Band world tour, just in case you were wondering. When are we going to play again Ames? Anyway, the Philharmonic was awesome! Lil' C was transfixed by all the instruments, and sat on the edge of his seat the entire time. Along with the music, there was a local dance troupe who performed a Broadway-like production of Dickens's "A Christmas Carol", complete with little crippled Tiny Tim! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Now I'm ready for Christmas!

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