Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's a Great Day for a Pap Smear!

Come on now ladies -- don't we all just count down the days until our next annual exam?! Right. Not so much. I had put mine off for so long this year that they cut off my pills and refused to give me any more until I marched my happy butt into their office. (I took off work yesterday to go and get it over with.) As I was signing in and filling out the little info sheet, one of the questions was when my last cycle ended. I started to think back, AND THEN I REALIZED I SHOULD NOT BE THINKING BACK, BECAUSE IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN HAPPENING RIGHT THAT VERY MOMENT. Ummm, kay. Houston? Are you there? I think we have an issue here. My face immediately started to heat up, and I could feel my heart start to race. I hadn't been on my pills for a few months, because of this whole, "you have to come in for your appointment, and we mean it this time" thing, but.....surely not! It would be such bad timing with the new job, and Lil C still in diapers, and, and, AND I JUST AM NOT READY!

When they pulled me back I asked if they could test me before we got started. Sitting in the room waiting for them to come back and tell me what the heck was going on was like sitting on nails. (Literally -- I had forgotten to shave my legs that morning. Could things BE any worse?!) Beside the fact that I can never remember from year to year if you are supposed to tie those "gowns" in the front or the back -- I'm always afraid to have it wrong and look like an idiot.

My OB/GYN sidles in and asks me how I'm doing.

"Fine, but I'd be better if you could tell me whether or not I've gotten myself in a family way again..."

"OH!" (She seemed surprised, and began frantically rifling through my chart). "Are you all trying to have another?"

"Not really, but I couldn't find my brand of BC on the black market after you cut me off."

"VEEEEeery funny. We had to do this last year too if I recall? I know you hate these appointments, but they really are for the best. Now, do you want me to go find out, or would you rather finish the appointment first?"

I shot her the super stink eye.

"All righty then. I'll just be right back."

I heard her squeak off down the hall in her doctor clog things.....mumble mumble. Have results? Mumble, mumble...(I had my ear pressed to the door, but that's all I could make out) Sure? Okay, thanks! Mumble, Mumble. (Squeaky shoes approaching the door again - I hopped back onto the table.)

"The test results were negative."

Surprisingly, I felt..........sort of disappointed. What the heck? I didn't want this -- I wasn't ready! I didn't think I was ready. But what if I was? Realistically, I don't think we're ready yet for another one. I want to get good and settled at my new job and then look at getting a bigger house before we're ready for numero dos, but for a second, the thought of being pregnant again kind of made me happy. I really did love being preggers with Lil'C, but it's that thing that happens after the pregnancy, (no sleep, crazy expensive infant diapers, no sleep, spit-up, no sleep), that I have a problem with.

So, no bebe' for now, but you never know what may happen. I may just boycott those pills for another month.... :)

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