So Halloween was by far a COMPLETE success! Starting at the office, (where I didn't do one constructive thing all day), and lasting up until the muffin finally surrendered to sleep. The girls at work and I were playing cards, which was a real kick in the pants. One of the husbands made all our 'cards'. We were the cutest department in the whole building!

After snacking like crazy for eight hours on various sugary treats, (for which I got one MAJOR sugar rush. Talk about a buzz--forget crack, pass me the candy corn!) I came home and threw on my Chef's costume. The be'be tolerated me while I tugged and tied and strapped him into his lobster gear. When all was said and done, we looked smashing. We made the rounds, collected the candy, and all of this was done without a smidgen of fussing from lobster-boy. He was so good--he fell asleep in the car during one trip between friends houses, but he woke right up and joined in the festivities as soon as we pulled in the driveway. We finally got him calmed down and in the bed, and then the hubby and I crashed ourselves. I dreamed of Hershey Bars, Bazooka Joe Bubble gum, and Twizzlers, (which are competely horrid by the way--who eats those things?!) It was a great first Halloween with the Be'be, and I'm already on the lookout for next year's costumes!

That is the cutest outfit EVER!