Baby Daddy and I had a much needed night out last evening, as we were guests at the 200th Anniversary Fireman's Ball. We had an absolute blast dancing the night away. We slow-danced, fast-danced, and crazy-danced. Baby Daddy even brought out the 'C-Walk', which was the hit of the night. As always, he was the life of the party, and in the middle of everything! Needless to say, after that sort of cavorting, (and we all know I'm not used to that--you that keep up with my blog are privy to my usual level of activity...)we needed a day to recuperate...and take a few Tylenol...and eat lots of Toast. :) Plus, with all the 'getting ready' from the night before, and then the actual party, I felt like I didn't get to spend a lot of time with the bebe' on Saturday. (Who knew false eyelashes could be so complicated? I ended up throwing them down the garbage disposal in a fit of rage...) Unfortunately, I don't have many pictures, as I forgot my camera in the car--but I do have, at the Baby Daddy's request, the obligatory, "girl-in-the-occupational-hat-pinup-pose" which I shall share, along with the bebe's contribution.... :) One of the Firefighters is a professional photag, so as soon as he posts his pics, I will try to share a few of those as well.

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