The only reason I hesitate to say 'walking', is that he isn't continuously stepping. He takes exactly two steps, and if that does not get him within reach of what he wants, he will sit down and crawl. And where did he take his first steps you ask? The same, oddball place where he first stood up on his own without support -- the bathtub. Can you belive that? The place that I would think he would feel the most unstable and not able to get his balance! He kept standing up in the tub tonight, walking forward two steps, plopping down, standing up for two more steps, plopping down.... (Now of course we have a normal sized tub, so he couldn't repeat the sequence very many times before I had to pick him up and start him back at the far side again...) But still, he was walking! I tried to get it on video, but we couldn't get a shot of him doing his thing without broadcasting his little boy parts to the world, so we just gave up on that. I'll try to see if I can get a different angle on him tomorrow. The funny part is, the tub is the only place he'll even try. We tried for a long time to get him to repeat the performance once he had his PJ's on, but no such luck. You try to stand him up, and he just plops back down on his but, as pretty as you please. Oh well. Soon enough, I'm sure.
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