In no particular order, the following are things I hold in the highest esteem:

Max Factor Volume Couture Mascara--This is currently my most favorite product. Like you H--I was a loyal follower of the 'pink and green' tube, but I heard a recommendation for the Max Factor and decided to try it out. I don't think my lashes have ever looked better--even my husband complimented me the other day! Well, the comment was--you kinda look hot today...did you like, do something different with your eyebrows or something?" But hey, it counts!

A Good Book--Kay, so everyone knows that I'm a nerd. I like books. Get over it. I'm still way cooler than most people. ;)

Coffee--There is nothing, and I repeat, NOTHING, that cannot be made at least somewhat better by a good cup of Folgers...
Carmex--You're either a lover, or a hater. I was a hater, but one day I needed some chap stick and this was all they had in the university bookstore, so now I'm a lover.
My iPod--One of the best gifts I have ever received. I use it CONSTANTLY.
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