Monday, November 26, 2007

Here comes Santa Clause....

So much to write--so little time. :) Things have been busy around here lately! We made it through the bebe's first Thanksgiving, (I will post pics when I can), and are now gearing up for his first Christmas!! We've already gotten some of his presents, including a mac-daddy ball pit that I am so psyched about!! I'm gonna have more fun in it than he is! We put up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, which I had been itching to do....this afternoon while trying to get dinner together for the Lil' munchkin, I noticed he was being suspiciously quiet. Never a good sign. So I stick my head around the corner to find him crouched down in his playpen with his back to me. At this point, it's certain that he is either filling his diaper, or doing something he's not supposed to be doing. The room was stench-free, so I assumed the latter was the case. Sneaking around to see what he was up to, I found him chewing on the fake berries that we used to decorate the tree! He had a branch in between his teeth like a chubby little squirrel. Of course, with all this craziness about the lead paint in things, I (like a true first time Mommy), freak out. Completely. I scrubbed his mouth out with a washcloth, made him drink half a sippy of milk, and watched him like a hawk for the rest of the evening. Silly goose. I'm hoping it takes a lot more than an occasional nibble on a fake berry to upset his tummy. All's well so far...

We went to Chuck E. Cheese's for the first time over the weekend--we had a freakin' blast!! The bebe's bestest 'Auntie' AS, (and also his personal favorite, JS), were hosting a bday par-tay for my fave lil' diva, and we were invitees. The Baby Daddy was just getting home from a weekend of hunting, so the bebe' and I headed out by ourselves. They had everything--even tot sized video games, which the bebe' had a fit over! I can see the beginning of a Baby Daddy-like addiction here.....
The bebe has been walking more than ever lately. I'm going to post some new vids when i get them up and running. He still hasn't just 'taken off' though--we're stutter-stepping around, but only when he sees something he wants... Otherwise, he just finds it easier to crawl to get where he wants to go. I don't blame him--guess he gets his laziness from me. :)

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