Big news in the land of Baby C--first of all, (but definately not the most important), he got ANOTHER tooth today! This makes eight!! The kid has a crazy grill--most kids his age are lucky to have 1 or 2 teeth. He has a whole mouthful, and he brushes them himself! We went to the Wal-Mart, and he picked out his very own "Dora" toothbrush, which he loves to use. We brush in the mornings and in the evenings before bed. He gets so excited when we go into the bathroom and he sees me opening up the drawer...I'll ask him if he wants to brush his teeth, and he goes nuts!! Needless to say, I have a hard time prying Dora out of his little paws. And now, for the big announcement.......
HE SAID MA-MA! It happened at the in-laws' house today, before I got home from work. They reported that he said 'ma-ma' clear as a bell, three different times!! He did it once more this evening, and you could definately tell what he was saying, but I'm not sure if he really understands it yet. Although, if you ask him, "Where is Mama?", or "Where is Daddy?", he will look at the correct one of us, so I'm not sure. He didn't seem to be addressing me when he said it tonight, but then again, he was in the tub and working on prying the beak off of his rubber duckie....
And on the war front--things have calmed down greatly in the office. I'm feeling much better about the whole thing. We have a new addition to the staff, and upon my word, I have SWORN to give her a chance. I have already formed an opinion, of course, but I will not divulge here. Goodness knows who is reading this, and will run back and tattle. And YES, I do have those type of people in my company. And if you, and YOU know exactly who you are--actually it could be more than one of you, you all pretty much posess the same caliber, or lack of, character-- feel free to tattle on someone else. It's a shame that's all you have time for, but then, it's to be expected. Goodness knows you can't do your job! And by the way, if you think I don't like you, YOU ARE ABSOULUTELY CORRECT. Here's your gold star. Ugh.
Kay, back to my sunshiny self--I saw a great TV show tonight! (And it was NOT Private Practice, which I wasted another hour of my life on...). "Pushing Daisies" was perfectly scrumptious!! I loooooved it. It completely reminds me of the movie "Big Fish", which I also love. If you missed it, you should plan to catch it next week--Wednesdays at 8pm on ABC!!! (That's ITV1 for those of you in Canada.) :)

ITV1????? HELLOOOOO!!!! I pay $1 per month to get 10 different US channel Feeds. Both East and West Coast, so if I miss it early, I can watch it late! And I concur...Pushing Daisies ROCKED! Good point about the similarity to Big Fish...I was trying to think, but couldn't quite put my finger on it. Of Course, my new niece had just had a rather major poopie on my leather couch so I was a bit distracted. But I will say this...I have never wanted too people to touch more in my life...BUT THEY CAN'T!! Kudos to the casting dept...those to have mad chemistry.