Speaking of Halloween costumes, and I'm only gonna preach this sermon once ya'll--I find it hideous and disgusting what some people (girls in particular-especially if they have kids) think flies as a 'costume'. Heck, some of the "outfits" I've seen barely even register as 'clothing'. You might as well just go butt naked and hang a poster around your neck saying, "I have low self esteem and no self worth, and so this is what I do to get attention. Hey-have you looked at my boobs yet?" Give me a break! I love the Girls-Next-Door as much as anyone, and find their shows to be disturbingly entertaining, however, I would not dress like one. My goodness! Does it make you feel good about yourself to have your boobs ready to pop out of your top and your belly hanging over your waistband? Is that sexy? Am I missing something? And if you have children, which so many of these poorly dressed, lame excuses for females are? For gosh sakes, YOU ARE RAISING A CHILD. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AN EXAMPLE. The only example you are setting is how NOT to behave, dress, and act. And then to take pictures of it all, and display it like you are proud of yourself! I hope for these women's sake, that they burn those pictures before their child gets a chance to see them.
***Stepping off soapbox*****
Ahhh, now that I've got that off my chest, (which happens to be completely covered in clothing--it's my pink cushy robe again if you must know), I am going to read my book, write out some bills, check in on my little seafood sweetie, and hit the hay. (I really hope he doesn't throw a fit when I try to lobster-ize him. I'm so pumped for this costume!!) I will of course attempt to check back in tomorrow evening with pictures of the fun!
Who needs a Therapist, when you can vent on your blog!