Monday, July 30, 2007

Tooth #1!

6/18/2007 9:27:56 AM :: Caden got a tooth!!
I can't believe it's happened allready! Last Tuesday, Kevin was keeping him and I called to check in--Kevin said that Caden had a tooth poking through!! I couldn't believe it! He is so cute with his little snaggle tooth!! He really hasn't been that fussy either--I admit I was expecting his behavior to be far worse...although I know this is just the beginning... He's really gnawing on things, and so far his favorite it a vibrating star we got at Wal-Mart. He thinks it's really funny to make sounds while it's in his mouth... We just got him a HUGE exersaucer at Babies R Us, (I know, he's COMPLETELY spoiled!) He really likes it. Between that and his jumperoo, we can keep him safe and occupied for a long time! :) The exersaucer has a lot of interactive toys on it, and it goes over things like colors, shapes, and numbers. Kevin asked me this morning, "So this thing will make him smarter right?" :) He's so funny. Caden is relaly developing into a handsome little boy. We're still not sure what color his eyes and hair are going to turn out to be. His hair looks really dark inside, but in the sunlight it looks blond. His eyes are the same way--they seem to change depending on what sort of light you're in. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out! He is also eating Stage 2 Foods now, and so far, he looooves Macaroni and Cheese! He's also really into all the fruit medleys and juices, (we're using a Sippy cup now too!!) He's not really good at holding it, but if I hold it, he can drink out of it just fine!! It seems like he's growing up and changing so fast!

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