I just love happy endings -- and happy beginnings are just as peachy. One of my dearest childhood friends got herself proposed to last night! There is nothing better than those first few shell-shocked "Holy-crap-did-that-really-just-happen?" days after your man pops the question. I remember feeling like one of those cheapy kaleidoscope things whose picture keeps changing as it turns, only this was my mental kaleidoscope and some sadist was dancing the salsa with it. I was clammy-panicked...then ecstatic....then disbelieving...then giggly.... And poor BD on the ground getting a crick in his leg waiting for an answer. *Sigh* The joy of those brand-spankin' new moments that open up to the rest of your life. Good stuff.
L: The best friends in life are what I like to call the 'North Star' types. These are the friends that know you inside and out. They remind you of who you are, where you came from, and can point you home when you need help finding it. You may not be able to see them or talk to them every day, but they are always there when you need them. I am lucky to have some of these North Star friends, and I am so thankful that you are one of them. You deserve the best, and I truly hope G. is up to the challenge. Welcome to the world of domesticated bliss!
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