I am no longer a closet Hell's Kitchen fan -- I'm coming out!! I am publicly declaring my love for this show! I have found that after the disappointment that is American Idol, (don't fret, I am still forcing myself to watch every painful second), I've found solace in "Hell". **Tee-hee-hee** My mom is SO not going to appreciate that comment. Being able to say something like 'Hell', let alone type it is a big deal. Just so you're aware, I grew up in a house where we weren't allowed to say "gosh" or "shut up". (I'm better for it too Mom!) But before I go on about that, can I just seriously express my total disregard for Idol? Holy cow -- can we not just skip to the final two and watch the David's battle it out?! I'm so SICK of Sayeshia (I still can't spell that girl's freakin' name), and I'm progressively getting sick-ER of Captain Jason my-dreads-make-me-so-cool Castro. He would actually be kind of hot if he cut those off, which is even more annoying than his singing. Such a waste of good bone structure.... **sigh**
Regardless, I'm happy that I can at least watch these poor souls scuttle around under Gordon Ramsay. (Even if he is a bit over the top in the drama department.)
Project Country Living is still in negotiations. Thanks for your input -- keep voting! And comments are welcome too! **Ches, your's was especially helpful. When ARE you going to spit that bebe' out by the way? You must keep me posted! ** After BabyDaddy called me from work the other day to ask me how many horses I thought we could fit in our back pasture, and "maybe I should go ahead and look at the supplies we would need for our new tack shed, (mind you, BD has NEVER been a horseman, so him simply using terms such as 'breed' and 'tack' caused me to suppress some giggles), I ordered that we suspend our talks to 'digest'. The last thing I want is for BD to get all carried away, and then blame me for rushing things. So, we've been trying not to think about it this week. We're supposed to head to the country this weekend for Mommy's Day, so I'm going to have a serious talk about terms/conditions with my Mom --Has everyone gotten their mother something? I have, but I never get what I truly want for her. It seems I always get my best ideas 3 days before, and then I don't have time to order whatever genius thing it is that I've dreamed up. And then I forget by the time the next one rolls around.
I must say that this is also another one of my favorite shows....it's great!!!
ReplyDeleteTodd and I are totally addicted to Ramsay too. Although this season isn't as good as the last. And the kid is coming on the 20th. House got here yesterday.