So apparently I was in some kind of hole, or under the metaphoric rock when this gadget came out. Why did someone not send me the memo on the Ice-Cream ball? You put ice and rock salt in one end, your ice cream mix in the other, and then you just play with the thing (rolling, tossing, spinning), for 10-15 minutes, and WAH-LAH! You've got yourself a fresh batch of homemade ice cream! I ran across it on my regular evening perusal of Amazon.com, and found myself reaching for my Visa within seconds. What a brilliant thing! If anyone has one already, you must tell me about it....I'm going to be quite the disgruntled consumer if this thing is a dud.
Aside from my joys with the ice-cream ball, I have decided to accept the job offer. Here goes nothing! After I'm done here, I'm going to type up a quick job description for my meeting with the 'Big Man' tomorrow -- just so we're both on the same page about everything, and also so I don't get schmoozled later into something I didn't originally sign on for. Hopefully, all will go well, and I won't have to be put on anti-anxiety pills or have a nervous breakdown.
I just sent an email confirming our portrait session for this weekend with the Muffin. Can you believe he is already almost 15 months old??!! Holy crap -- that means I'm supposed to be getting ready for another one! Hmmm, maybe not so much. I had this lovely timeline in my head for how I wanted my kids to be spaced out, and I thought two years sounded reasonable, but that would mean I would have to be pg in like THREE MONTHS! It seems like I just put my maternity clothes away, god-awful sacks! (No offense, my Canadian cousin, but really, aren't you tired of those panel pants yet? They never stayed up on my belly like they were supposed to, and I felt like I was constantly showing off my stretch marks...) Don't get me wrong, I loved being pregnant. I had a truly wonderful nine months, but still....
Anyway, we're taking him to get his one year (and three months) pictures taken because I'm a super-procrastinator and haven't had any taken since his Six Month (well, really seven and a half) pictures were made. So hopefully, he won't tear the props to shreds and send the photographer to the broom closet in tears. (We like to call him 'energetic' as opposed to hyper.)
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