Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Terrible, Awful, No-Good, Very Bad Day....

So life is weird now. Don't get me wrong, plenty is going right -- I got an A in my first Grad School class (**taking a bow** And yes Am, I do realize that I am a nerd. I came to terms with that a long time ago.) We've been back in our house for a while now, and I still have the world's most tolerant husband and greatest kiddo. So, based on that, I still have plenty to be thankful for. The work life? Not so much. I've been feeling the burn-out coming on for a while now, but kept plugging along, thinking I was in a funk and would just have to pull my sorry little self out of it. Didn't really work that way. So, having some very patient, (if not a little self-serving) management, they tried to find something a little more up my alley. Let's just say that it's been the biggest disaster ever. I don't mind the job itself, but I've worked more late nights in the past month than I have the entire 3 years I've been at my company. I know, I sound like a whiny-butt -- seriously though, my kid goes to sleep at 7:30. There's not a whole lot of time to work with on the days I get home at 5:30, let alone 7:30 or 8pm. And I'm just not ready to sacrifice that, so I'm going to go back to the Big Man and tell him thanks, but no thanks. I'll either get happy with my old job back, or I'll have to find something else. That's kind of scary though -- Interviewing, resumes, applications....yuck! My hope is that my dream job will just happen to fall into my lap, and just happen to never involve endless hours behind a desk, late nights, people who steal your lunch out of the mini-fridge, and reception windows with those little silver "ring for service" bells.

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