Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Billie not my lover...

Um-kay. So I just realized how supremely depressing I have been sounding lately. Along with being sick of thinking, I am now sick of being depressing. I'm half-watching American Idol right now, (which is actually somewhat depressing this season -- but not totally), and I just heard a recap of David Cook doing his crazy rock-rendition of Billie Jean. Who wouldda thought -- an MJ classic as a rock song? Well, it was freakin' crazy good, so I voted for David like fourty-two times... I really hope that pathetic Kristy Lee goes home, but God knows that since she sang "God Bless the USA" they won't vote her off because that would be totally unpatriotic. Ugh. Stupid hick. Not that I'm prejudiced against hicks. Heck, I'm from a county that had the highest teen pregnancy rate in the state until just a couple years ago. But still, she makes Country music look and sound god-awful. OOooooohhh, it's Chekezie and Syeshia (I don't think I spelled either one of those right, but who in the world could?!) on the stools. Chekezie is definitely my pick for going home. I would wait to post this until I knew for sure, but I'm completely impatient right now, and we all know that Ryan perma-smile Seacrest goes to a Commercial Break after every sentence, so I'm going to leave Chekezie out on the plank and retire to grab my book and watch the end.

1 comment:

  1. Todd and I rewound the Billie Jean thing and watched it twice. It was AWESOME. I didn't know it at the time, but it is actually the Chirs Cornell version
