Sunday, April 25, 2010

I don't mind rainy, gray afternoons at all. Especially when those rainy afternoons just happen to fall on a weekend -- this means that I can sit on the couch in my pajamas and have an excuse not to move for a while. (But really, when have I ever needed an "excuse" not to move for a while? I'm a not-moving pro, as I'm sure BabyDaddy can attest.) The only problem is that I have a ridiculous sinus headache that is making me want to either snap off my nose or prize out my eyeballs --I'm an overly safe attempt-not-to-take-any-medication-unless-near-death pregnant person, so I am trying to tough it out. DISCLAIMER: I completely reserve the right to whine to my heart's content. I am making no attempts at curbing THAT. So pound away sinus pressure! I will whine you out! It's unfortunate that I have to follow BD around the house in order to have someone to listen to my angst. He keeps mysteriously migrating away from me. I have no idea why. Now he's out in the garage, and the door is curiously locked. Hmmmmmm. So, I've resorted to sitting on top of the dryer with my mouth pressed against the crack of the garage door trying to make sure my plaintive cries are heard over the hammering, sanding, and general racket taking place. Blast - he just turned on the radio. That devious man. Ah well, I guess it's back to the couch for me again. BD should be ashamed of himself. This is like, the majority of his married job!

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