Today was an official snow day. We were lucky to get about four inches of the stuff, along with also being unlucky enough to get a most unfortunate amount of ice, sleet, and freezing rain. Quite enough to make it really difficult to do anything - especially looking graceful while trying to get your mail. I'm so glad no one was around to see my figure skating debut, as it really was quite shameful. Of course, after making the final decision that there was absolutely NO way on God's white earth that I was even going to try to chip into my car, let alone drive it to work, we set about getting our breakfast so we could rush out and play in the snow. I've never seen Lil' C shovel his Fruit Loops so fast.
"Now Mommy?"
"Another bite please, buddy."
***Slurp, slurp, crunch, crunch, slurp.****
"Pway in snow NNOOOOW Mommy?"
"Two more bites babe."
"Now PLEASE Mommy??!!!"
So we pulled on our snow gear, (thanks for the splendid coveralls Nana!), and headed out to brave the elements, one very enthusiastic two-year-old, one smiling, camera toting MommyMeg, and one very draggy, "why-do-I-let-you-talk-me-into-this-sort-of-thing-I-should-know-better-now" BabyDaddy. The Muffin was ecstatic. "Mommy, Mommy, white E'RYWHERE!!" We ran, (and fell a lot in the process), we made snow castles, ate snow cream, and had to teach Lil' C the true meaning of yellow snow. "Wow, cool! Es pwetty Mommy - Es yewwow!" Not so much my dear. Of course BabyDaddy ran screaming across the yard, just in time to catch the Muffin before he was able to get within grabbing distance of the "pwetty yewwow snow". I just rolled my eyes to the heavens and reminded myself that we really do love our dogs...
The rest of the afternoon passed too quickly, as they usually do. Most of the more giggle-worthy moments were spent watching our neighbors, and the poor snow plow drivers. I watched as one gentleman across the street scraped, chipped, and chiseled at his car, before finally throwing his ice scraper on the ground in exasperation, and stomping angrily back into the house. (I haven't seen him try it again since.) One neighbor spent at least 20 minutes just trying to get up his driveway and into the garage. He put down rocks, then cardboard - and he must have backed up and started again at least two dozen times. I finally left the window, but upon a quick check, it appears he made it in after all. The snow plows came, but not until 3:30 mind you, and halfheartedly attempted to scrape away the thick layers of ice and slush, but even they were slipping and sliding. I don't think they ever really got much done at all. So, it was a perfectly splendid day, and now I am watching Lil' C do the 'bedtime bargain' with BabyDaddy. "Just ONE more Rock Band. Pweeeeaaaasssee?" Ames, I must tell you, that we have to play a game or two of RB the next time we're over - the Muffin now knows all the words to 'Livin' on a Prayer'. I knew you would be so proud. (He can also belt out a staggeringly accurate 'Eye of the Tiger'.) 
The only way to end a cold, snowy day......
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