Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"Let me see yer WAR face!"

Lil' C is 19 months old today. I have never, in my entire life, dealt with such a non-stop, whirlwind, crazy-creating, sometimes-puts-me-in-the-mind-of-a-rabid-chinchilla little being. Seriously. And I love every last second of it. He is alternate parts snuggler, banshee, and stand-up comedian. He's like Forest says, (yeah, yeah, I know I've been on a Gump kick lately), "You never know what you're gonna get..." I found this phrase particularly true yesterday afternoon, as I watched Lil' C strip himself of his shorts and diaper and run laps around the couch in his sneakers like a miniature half-time streaker, all the while screaming, "Whoo-Ah! Whoo-Ah!" (Don't ask me to translate -- I have no clue.) But he certainly has his sweet side too. When I was putting him to bed tonight, he said "Noses, Mommy, noses!" This is his way of asking for Eskimo kisses, which he thinks are just about the funniest things, (right up there next to farts and hiccups, which he also finds hilarious, of course with BabyDaddy's approval.) It's always something new and different. The new favorite thing is counting. He loooooves to count things. He can get to ten perfectly, then he mumbles something that sounds like eleven, followed by a series of made-up "teens" (Um-teen, tee-teen, sy-teen) until he lands himself at "TWO-ON-TEE!". Then he starts counting in Spanish. :) Thanks Dora.

We got his hair cut for the first time last weekend. Yes, I teared up. Yes, I realized that this reaction was perfectly bloody ridiculous. No, it didn't matter. We took him to the Shangri-La of the hair cut world. I thought -- Hey! Why shouldn't we splurge for the first one? Looks like we'll be splurging for the next 10 years, because there is no WAY he will go anywhere else. They had an in-house slide, what they deem "fantasy" chairs (picture tractors, jeeps, motorcycles, and fire trucks), and TV's at every station. The kiddos get to pick out a video game to play or a movie to watch while they get their mop trimmed. Lil' C was able to practice his language skills further with Dora, and he was quite content for the entire time we were there. I was so proud of him! He came out looking like such a big boy, which made me tear up again....

1 comment:

  1. Look at all those teeth!!! Cameran was so late in getting teeth. He looks like he could be 3 or 4 years old in that picture. I love the pink Jeep he is sitting in too!! : )
